Installing the Cloud Connector

How to install the Cloud Connector to enable data acquisition.


  • You must use a System Owner account to perform the following steps. If you don't know who the system owner is, log on to SAP Analytics Cloud and from the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path Security Next navigation step  UsersEnd of the navigation path. If the system owner has left your company you can transfer ownership to another user. For more information, see Transfer the System Owner Role
  • SAP Analytics Cloud can be hosted either on SAP data centers or on non-SAP data centers. Determine which environment SAP Analytics Cloud is hosted in by inspecting your SAP Analytics Cloud URL:
    • A single-digit number, for example us1 or jp1, indicates an SAP data center.
    • A two-digit number, for example eu10 or us30, indicates a non-SAP data center.
  • You must know your S-User account ID. If your SAP Analytics Cloud tenant is hosted on a non-SAP data center, and an S-User account has already been set up, your account ID is an email address. If you do not know your S-User account ID, contact your SAP Administrator or SAP support. Or, if your tenant is on a non-SAP data center and an S-User account hasn't been set up yet, you can follow these steps to create one:
    1. Log on to SAP Analytics Cloud.
    2. From the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path System Next navigation step  AdministrationEnd of the navigation path.
    3. Switch to the Data Source Configuration tab.
    4. In the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Account section, click the link to SAP Business Technology Platform account.
    5. On the BTP welcome page, click “Register”, and fill in the registration form.
    6. In the Cloud Connector Administration, use the same email address that you just registered for “Subaccount user” when adding a Subaccount.


In order to create an import data connection to an SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) system, an SAP Business Warehouse (BW) system, an SAP Universe, an SAP Enterprise Reporting Platform (ERP) system, OData, or SAP S/4HANA On-Premise connection, you must set up and configure the Cloud Connector. To learn more about the Cloud Connector, see Cloud Connector.


  1. Add your S-User account ID:
    1. In SAP Analytics Cloud, from the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path System Next navigation step  Administration Next navigation step Data Source ConfigurationEnd of the navigation path.
    2. Select (Edit).
    3. In the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Account section, enter your S-User account ID, and then select Add S-User. When the S-User account ID is accepted, account information will be displayed.
      If your SAP Analytics Cloud tenant is hosted on a non-SAP data center, your account ID is an email address.
    4. Record this account information, because you will need it for setting up the Cloud Connector in step 5.
    5. Select (Save).
  2. Download or locate an existing SAP JVM.

    For supported SAP JVM versions, see Prerequisites. You can download the SAP JVM here.

  3. Extract the SAP JVM on the server where the Cloud Connector will be installed, and note the folder location.

    For example, unzip the file into C:\SAP JVM\sapjvm_8.

    It is recommended, but not mandatory, that the Cloud Connector, SAP Analytics Cloud agent, and the SAP JCO are installed together on a dedicated server, and not a personal computer. This helps to ensure that multiple users can use an import data connection without experiencing slowness or downtime.
  4. Installing the Cloud Connector on premise.

    You can download the Cloud Connector here. You must specify the SAP JVM folder during the installation.

    Ensure that you select the option to start the Cloud Connector after installation.
  5. Perform the initial configuration.
    The following information should be used in the Set Up Initial Configuration dialog:
    • Region Host: The region host where your SAP Analytics Cloud tenant is running. For example:
    • Subaccount: The SAP BTP account name for your SAP Analytics Cloud tenant.

      Note: Don't use any personal subaccount you may have created in your SAP BTP global account.

    • Subaccount User: Enter your <S-USER username>.
    • Password: <S-USER password>.
    • Location ID: Leave empty to use the default location, or add the ID of the location you set in SAP Analytics Cloud.

      If you enter Default as the location ID, this will not connect to the default location set in SAP Analytics Cloud. We recommend that you leave the Location ID empty if you don't plan to set up multiple Cloud Connectors in your system landscape.

      Each Cloud Connector instance must use a different location, and an error will appear if you choose a location that is already been used. You can click the Edit icon to change the location.

    • HTTPS Proxy: If you access the internet through a proxy, specify your proxy host and port number, otherwise leave blank.
  6. Confirm that you are connected in the Connection Information area. You may need to select the Connect button to start the connection.

Next Steps

To connect to SAP BPC MS, SAP BW, SAP UNX, or SAP ERP, you must also install and configure the SAP Analytics Cloud agent. For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud Agent.

To connect to SAP BPC NW and SAP BPC for BW/4HANA, OData and SAP S/4HANA you only need to configure the Cloud Connector. For more information, see Configuring the Cloud Connector.