Table Menu Options on Story Pages

In SAP Analytics Cloud, there are several options available in table-specific action and context menus.


When your table is in Edit mode, you will see all available options. When your table is in View mode, some options will be hidden.

  • Table Action Menu: use to select Top N items, sort, do mass data entry, and so on. Appears when the table tile is selected.

  • Table Cell (Context) Menus: use from a table cell to add calculations directly in the chart, to create new members, set thresholds, and so on. Appears when you right-click a table cell.

Table Action Menu

The table-specific menu options let you work with the data and change the appearance of the whole table, as well as letting you work with individual table cells.

The table action menu is dynamic and is only visible when (More Actions) is selected.

Some options are only available on Grid pages, and other options are only available on Canvas or Responsive pages. The options will be identified in the following tables as (Grid pages only) or (Canvas or Responsive).
Action Menu Options



Applied to Table (Optimized View Mode)

Contains table details such as filters, drill level, and so on.

Set Layout

Use this option to set up a table that shows the results of an allocation step. It’s available when you have access to an allocation process based on the table’s data source.

The layout includes the following dimensions:

  • Rows: Source dimensions of the allocation step, and the account dimension

  • Columns: Target dimensions of the allocation step, and the version dimension

Any other dimensions are removed from the table as soon as you select the Allocation Processes option. You won’t be able to automatically restore your table’s previous setup, although you can change it back by adding and removing dimensions.

To use this option, select it and choose Allocation Processes in the Layout panel. To change the allocation step that it’s based on, select the (Select allocation step) icon and choose an allocation process and step.


(Drill) lets you manage the number of levels that are currently visible in a hierarchy. Data is typically organized and displayed in a collapsible hierarchy. This option lets you avoid drilling through branches of the hierarchy to see the level you prefer.

If the table currently includes more than one dimension, you can select the dimension you wish to open from the drop-down Dimension list. Under Drill Level, enter the drill level you require. Entering 0 as the drill level value, collapses all levels of the hierarchy.

Freeze (Canvas or Responsive)

If you select a cell in a table, you can freezes all rows up to the selected row, and all columns up to the selected column.

Ignore Data Locks or Enforce Data Locks

For a planning model with data locking enabled, toggle this setting to switch between ignoring data locks or enforcing them.

When ignoring data locks, you can enter data in locked and restricted cells. However, you won’t be able to publish changes to a locked or restricted cell unless you have additional permissions. (For example, you have data locking ownership of a restricted cell that you changed, you're the model creator, or you have the Admin role.)

Swap Axis Lets you switch rows and columns.

Resize columns to fit content (Canvas or Responsive)

If you select one or more columns in a table, you can automatically resize the columns to fit the content. Alternately, you can select one or more columns in a table then manually drag the columns to resize them.

Mass Data Entry

Lets you enter multiple values before processing updates.

More information: Entering Multiple Values in a Table

Linked Analysis

Use a linked analysis to drill through hierarchical data or to create filters that simultaneously update multiple charts in your story.

More information: Creating a Linked Analysis


You can add the following options:

Show / Hide

Lets you show or hide table elements. By default, most elements are shown.

The following elements can be hidden

Elements that are on Canvas or Responsive pages:
  • Grid
  • Column / Row Headers
  • Freeze Lines

Elements that are on all page types:

  • Table Title (Title Section)
  • Subtitle
  • Table Details
  • Reason for unplannable data - when you select a cell that cannot be edited, a message appears showing the reasons why the cell cannot be edited.
  • Data Locks - when data locking is enabled, you can show icons on cells that are locked, cells that have a mix of locked and unlocked data, and cells that have an unknown lock state.
  • Validation Warning - validation warnings help you to quickly identify which cells are invalid for data entry due to dimension combination rules that have been defined for the underlying planning model. More information: Check Validation Rule Results and Warnings for Planning
  • Dimension Headers
  • Repetitive Member Names - repeat dimension name on every row

Copy (Canvas or Responsive)

Copy options include the following:
  • Copy to the clipboard

  • Copy to:
    • New Responsive Page
    • New Canvas Page
    • an existing story page
  • Duplicate: copy and paste the table on the same page.


Lets you export the table as a CSV or XLSX file, with or without formatting.

More information: Export Data as a CSV File or Export Table Data as an XLSX File

Edit Styling (Canvas or Responsive)

Opens the Styling panel.

More information:Formatting and Styling Items on a Story Canvas

Fullscreen (Canvas or Responsive)

Expands the tile to fill the canvas; also displays the formula bar. (When you exit fullscreen mode, the formula bar is hidden again.)

Pin to Home

Adds the table to your home screen.

View Controls

Opens the Controls panel. For more information about controls, see Measure-based Filters.

Remove (Canvas or Responsive)

Remove the Table (Grid pages only)

Lets you remove the table from the canvas.

Table Cell (Context) Menus

In addition to the actions available for the whole table, you can also modify individual table cells. Right-click a table cell to bring up a context menu.

Table Header Cells

The table header has its own context menu.
Action Description
Add Dynamic Text Add dynamic text from a variety of elements. (See Adding Dynamic Text to a Table Title)

Lets you show or hide table elements. By default, most elements are shown.

Swap Axis Lets you switch rows and columns.

The table row and column headers (Dimension headers) have their own context menu.

Action Description

Lets you change the level of the hierarchy that is currently visible for each dimension.

More information: How to Show More Hierarchy Levels in Your Table

Select Hierarchy

Lets you choose the type of hierarchy that you want to display.

More information: Learn About Hierarchies

Sort Options

Decide whether to sort ascending or descending, or to set a custom order.

More information: Changing Member Order

Display Options

Display information as Description, ID, or ID and Description.

Show / Hide Lets you decide whether to show Unbooked cells or Totals values, and select properties.
Add member

Create a new unbooked member combination.

More information: Create New Dimension Members Without Leaving Your Table

Resize columns to fit content  
Table Functions

A link to the table action menu.

More information: Table Action Menu

Table Body Cells

The table body (dimension value) cells have context menus for rows and columns.

Menu for measure headers:

Action Description
Version management actions

Valid for tables created from planning models.

For more version management information, see About the Version Management Panel



Undo Data Entry Undo the last change.
Redo Data Entry Redo (reapply) the change that was undone.
Revert Discard your changes to a public version or to embedded data.
History Open the history panel to see a list of changes.
Publish Publish your work as an update to a public version.
Publish As Create a new public version.
Copy Version Create a private version.
Delete Version Delete the version.
Add member

Create a new unbooked member combination.

More information: Create New Dimension Members Without Leaving Your Table

In-Cell Chart

Add a bar chart to a measure. The bar chart can be changed to a variance bar or variance pin chart.

More information: Adding In-Cell Charts to Table Measures


Add threshold values or ranges to a measure.

More information: Using Thresholds in Tables


Include specific cells.

More information: Applying a Table Filter


Exclude specific cells.

More information: Applying a Table Filter

Sort Options

Decide whether to sort ascending or descending.

Add row / Add column

Add a calculated member to a dimension.

More information: Adding Calculated Rows and Columns in a Table

Add calculation

Select one or more measures and use them to create calculation rows or columns.

More information: Creating Calculations from Table Rows or Columns

Hide row / Hide column Removes the rows or columns, but doesn't filter the data.
Remove row / Remove column

Deletes the calculation row or column.


If the row (column) that you removed is referenced by another row, you may see REF_ERR in the formula for the remaining row. To fix this, go into the formula and set a different reference row.

Resize columns to fit content  
Table Functions

A link to the table action menu.

More information: Table Action Menu

Menu for body cells:

Action Description

Lock Cell

Lets you prevent individual cells of the table being updated. This feature is available for users with a planning license.

Select the cells you want to lock and choose the icon on the toolbar. Locked cells are shaded gray as a visual indicator that they are locked, and the toolbar icon changes to an open lock. Select the lock icon again to unlock the cell.

The read-only feature on the main toolbar prevents a cell value from being overwritten, but cell locking prevents updates to a cell value that would be caused by aggregation. You can use this feature to redistribute values among sibling nodes of a hierarchy.

For example, if the parent node in the hierarchy Employee Expense has three child nodes: Salaries, Bonus, and Training, and you lock the Employee Expense node, and then increase the value of the Salaries cell, the values of the Bonus and Training cells are automatically reduced to balance out the increase in salaries and maintain the same total Employee Expense value.

The cell locks that you apply are saved with the story. When other users work on the page, they can remove your cell locks and add their own, if necessary.

Manage Data Locks...

For models with data locking enabled, this option opens the Data Locking page so that you can lock, restrict, or unlock dimension members.

Before you open the Data Locking page, adjust your filters to include the relevant dimension members in the table. You can also select one or more cells before opening the Data Locking page to filter the data locking grid to those dimension members.

For more information about data locking, see Configuring Data Locking.

If you want to change settings such as driving dimensions or dimension ownership, open the Data Locking page from the Modeler.

Include specific cells.

More information: Applying a Table Filter


Exclude specific cells.

More information: Applying a Table Filter

Add Comment

Lets you add and save comments to a data cell.

More information: Adding Comments to a Data Cell

Mobile (Responsive pages only)

When enabled, shows the table on a mobile device.

Sort Options

You can apply an ascending or descending sort to a table. To apply a sort, select a column or row heading, and then select (Sort Options).

The Sort Options icon is active only when a suitable column or row of data is selected.

Choose the direction of the sort. For example, you can choose Ascending or Descending or A-Z or Z-A. If you want to arrange the members of a dimension yourself, select Add Custom Order and drag the members into the correct order in the Edit Member Order panel.

More information about custom sorting: Changing Member Order.

More information about sorting non-string dimension values in a table: Value Sorting.

Create Top N

A Top N filter shows a specified number of the lowest or highest ranked members.

Fill in the following details:
  • Type

  • Direction

  • Apply to each dimension – shows the top values for each dimension instead of for the group of dimensions.

    When you have a hierarchical measure in your table, this option is enabled and cannot be disabled.

  • Value – the number of values you want to include in the filter.

  • Related Dimensions – if required, select dimension members.

When a Top N filter is applied, text is displayed at the top of the table indicating which column is filtered.

The visible content of the table depends on the underlying structure of the data. All rows of data that have not been selected are hidden. If the data in the table is hierarchical or aggregated, other dependent rows will also be visible.

The Create Top N icon is active only when a suitable column of data is selected.
New Threshold

Add threshold values or ranges to a measure.

More information: Using Thresholds in Tables

Sort Options

Decide whether to sort ascending or descending.

Resize columns to fit content  
Table Functions

A link to the table action menu.

More information: Table Action Menu