Set Structure Priority and Create Custom Solve Order
With the new model type, there can be conflicting properties between an account dimension and measures.
If the units or formatting settings are different for instance, you need to indicate which structure should take precedence over the other. This is especially true for aggregations.
In the Model Preferences, under the Structure Priority tab, use the Prioritize properties and calculations from drop down to indicate whether account settings or measure settings should get the priority. If you decide to prioritize the account account dimension, then all the aggregation definitions, formatting and unit handling are taken from the account dimension. But if you decide to prioritize the measures, everything is taken from the measures.
Setting a structure priority is especially useful as it allows you to reuse global account dimensions across multiple models, while still being able to fine tune the aggregation behavior, formatting and unit handling to account or measure per individual model. The structure priority applies to all query processing, for both planning and reporting.
Custom Calculations and Solve Order
- move the priorities up and down within groups
- move groups up and down
- move a priority outside of its current group to create a new group
- move a priority to another group
Order priorities and groups from top to bottom to set the different priorities, from the most to least important.