About Securing Datasets
You can share, and apply security settings to datasets.
Acquired Datasets
Standalone (public) datasets can be shared the same way that stories and folders can be shared. In the sharing dialog, you can choose the access level for the users or teams that the dataset is shared with: View, Edit, Full Control, or a Custom access level. Datasets that aren't shared can't be viewed or modified by anyone but the dataset owner.
For information about sharing files, see Share Files or Folders.
You can also apply security settings based on user roles. In the Standard Application Roles.
area, you can assign general permissions for datasets, but you can't assign permissions for individual datasets. For information on user roles, seeUsers should be assigned a role with the appropriate dataset permission level. For example, someone assigned only Read access to datasets in their role won't be able to create datasets.
Think of it like a combination: to read a dataset that another user shares with you, you'll need three things:
- Rights to read the dataset via the sharing rights that are set by the user when they share it.
- Read rights on the Dataset application privilege.
- Read Rights on the Private Files application privilege.
If you don't have one of these three rights, you won't be able to read (open or use) the dataset.
Live Datasets (for Smart Predict)
For information about security for live datasets, see:
- Restrictions Using Live Dataset With Smart Predict in Restrictions
- What about authentication and permissions? in Q&A: Smart Predict with Live SAP HANA Data - How Does it all Work?