Flexible Time Restrictions

This topic lists various restrictions for the Flexible Time feature.


  • Deleting facts is only possible with system-managed time dimensions. It’s not supported for user-managed dimensions, or dimensions that support week granularity and/or week patterns.


  • The ResultLookup function is not supported for non-standard time periods such as week-level granularity and user-managed time dimensions.
  • The IF function is not supported for non-standard time periods such as week-level granularity and user-managed time dimensions.
  • The If and ResultLookup functions are only working if member is unique below a single parent. If the member is present under multiple parents, the formulas are invalid.

  • For the CAGR function, years must be integers. 2021.3 or YearOne, for instance, are invalid.

Date Range Restrictions

  • Hierarchies that include non-standard user-managed time dimensions (that use the semantic type Other) won't be available for date ranges.

  • You won't be able to edit the custom current date if you change to a hierarchy that doesn't include the granularity that was previously used. For example, you set a date based on Quarter and then choose a hierarchy that doesn't have Quarter. You can delete the custom current date, but you can't edit it.

  • When you have dates with no value, they will still be included in date range look back.

    For example, your user-managed time dimension has values for weekdays only, not weekends. Your lookback will include the weekend days.


  • If you are copy and pasting values in a table with a model that is using custom time hierarchies, only the overall values can be pasted to cells with different time hierarchies.

  • When creating copy rules for a copy step in data actions, copying to non-leaf target members on user-managed time dimensions is not supported at this time.

  • Forecast layout is not supported for tables built on models with user-managed time dimensions.

  • If you use a model with user-managed time dimensions to define the context of a calendar event, the filters of the time dimension won't be applied to the attached story.

Stories - Calculations and Other Features in Charts and Tables

  • The Difference From formula won't be supported for the initial release.

  • Variances don't work as expected for hierarchies that include non-standard user-managed time dimensions that use the semantic type “Other”. You will need to choose a hierarchy that uses only standard time dimensions.

Augmented Analytics (Smart Features)

  • Smart Insights is not supported for user-managed dimensions, or dimensions that support week granularity and/or week patterns to show users how data points change over time. Flexible time dimensions are supported for top contributor and calculation insights.

  • Search to Insight will ignore models containing user-managed dimensions, or dimensions that support week granularity and/or week patterns.

Mobile (iOS)

  • Stories containing flexible time dimensions, if set to Optimized iOS mode, can be consumed on supported iOS devices. Stories set to the non-optimized mode are not supported.