Configuring a Legacy Value Driver Tree for Presentation

The calculation flow of a legacy value driver tree (VDT) in SAP Analytics Cloud can consist of many nodes, and some of them may not be important for decision makers. You can create a consumption flow to show the data from the calculation flow in a clearer and more streamlined way.


Legacy value driver trees are no longer available for creation. To transform existing legacy value driver trees to the new value driver tree in a story, see Transforming Legacy Value Driver Trees. To create a new value driver tree in a story, see Set Up Value Driver Trees for Planning.

After you set up the model and time period for a value driver tree and add nodes in the Calculation tab, you can simplify the value driver tree for presentation by specifying which nodes will appear in a story, and rearranging links between nodes. The Consumption tab in the value driver tree modeler shows how the value driver tree will appear in a story.


  1. From the side navigation, select (Value Driver Trees) to open the value driver trees start page.
  2. From the list, choose the value driver tree that you want to work with.
  3. Select the Calculation tab.
  4. Add the nodes to the Consumption canvas by selecting a node that you want to present and choosing either Start of the navigation path Next navigation step Copy NodeEnd of the navigation path or Start of the navigation path Next navigation step Copy BranchEnd of the navigation path.

    Copy Node adds the individual node to the Consumption canvas, without links to other nodes. Copy Branch adds the node and all of its child nodes, along with the links between them. You can add multiple copies of each node to the Consumption tab.

    You can switch between the Consumption and Calculation tab to continue adding, removing, and rearranging nodes for presentation.

    Using the Undo and Redo buttons, you can roll back changes made from either tab.

    You can also set the Consumption canvas to display the same nodes and links as the Calculation canvas by selecting Reset to Calculation Flow on the Consumption tab.

    If you need to delete a node in the Calculation tab, any copies of the node will also be removed from the consumption flow. If it had child nodes in the consumption flow, you may need to add a link to a new parent. Check the Consumption tab again to add any missing links.
  5. Select the Consumption tab to arrange the nodes that you copied.
  6. To remove a node from the Consumption canvas, select the node and choose Start of the navigation path Next navigation step Remove NodeEnd of the navigation path. The node is removed, and the links to its parent and child nodes are deleted. Select Start of the navigation path Next navigation step Remove BranchEnd of the navigation path to remove the node along with its child nodes.
  7. As you add and remove nodes for presentation, configure links on the Consumption tab to ensure that the relationships between them are easy to visualize.

    You can create new links between nodes, and remove existing links. Each node can be linked to multiple parents or children, or have no links at all.

    However, you cannot create cyclical links. That is, a node cannot be linked to another node as both a child and a parent, whether by a single link or multiple links. For example, if you link Operating Time as a child node of Power Use, and Power Use as a child node of Power Cost, you cannot link Power Cost as a child node of Operating Time.

    Links in the consumption flow are for visualization purposes, and do not affect node values.

  8. To create a link, select the child node, choose (Link), and select the parent node that you want to link to it.
  9. To remove a link, select the child node, choose (Unlink), and select the parent node that you want to unlink.
  10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 as necessary until the value driver tree in the Consumption tab clearly shows the relationships between significant nodes. Select (Save) to save your changes.


The value driver tree is now ready for presentation in a story. For more information, see Legacy Value Driver Trees in Stories.