Export Endpoint Responses to CSV

You can export responses to .CSV format for all endpoints that return an OData entity set.

You can do so by using the $format=text/csv query parameter.

The reponse format contains the first row as header values, and each row is separated by a new line character. Each column has an additional .CSV column at the end nextLink. This column isnโ€™t filled on any row except the final row if a next link exists. When there's no next link, the final row is a normal data row that indicates the end of pagination.

This is used to avoing very large response for server-side pagination. It is equivalent to @odata.nextLink with the default application/json response format.

Request Example

URL {BaseURL}/providers/{namespaceID}/{providerID}/FactData?$format=text/csv
Request Type GET
Content Type text/csv

CSV Sample Response


In the example above, the three dots ... on the last line indicate that the line is longer than what is shown in the example.