Keyboard Shortcut List for Tables

A list of key combinations that can be used to move around in tables or the planning panel in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Many key combinations (shortcuts) are similar to those used in other programs, but not all of them.

In addition to the shortcuts, you can also select ranges (using the Shift key) or select specific values (using the Ctrl or Command key).

Table Cell Shortcuts

This list includes shortcuts that make it easier to navigate and manipulate data in tables and table cells.

On Windows, use the Ctrl key and on Mac use the Command key.


Key combination

Select all

Ctrl + A

Command + A


Ctrl + C

Command + C


Ctrl + V

Command + V


Ctrl + X

Command + X

Clear selected cells


Remove selection


Make the selected text bold

Ctrl + B

Command + B

Make the selected text italic

Ctrl + I

Command + I

Underline the selected text

Ctrl + U

Command + U

Move one cell: up, down, left, and right

Arrow keys

Move to beginning of the row


Move to beginning of the sheet

Ctrl + Home

Command + Home

Move down one screen

Page Down

Move up one screen

Page Up

Complete cell entry and move down in the selection (cell below)



Complete cell entry and move up in the selection (cell above)

Shift + Enter

Shift + Return

Complete cell entry and move to the right in the selection


Complete cell entry and move to the left in the selection

Shift + Tab

Planning Panel Shortcuts

You can use the Planning Panel keyboard shortcuts along with the table shortcuts to quickly enter and move values.


Key combination

Open Planning Panel

Ctrl + Alt + D

Control + Option + D

You can also enter ? in a cell, either on its own or followed by a value (?100 or ?+10%, for example) to open the Planning Panel.

Apply Planning Panel operation

Ctrl + Enter

Control + Return