Create a New Model

There are multiple ways to create models in SAP Analytics Cloud.

You can start from scratch, import data from a data source or a dataset, or use a live data connection.

The image below details every possible scenario. Click on one of these scenario to get the detailed procedure.

Creating a Blank Model Creating a Model from a File Creating a Model from a Dataset Creating a Model from a Live Data Connection Creating a Model from Salesforce Data Creating Geo Spatial Models from HANA Calculation Views Creating a Model with Coordinate or Area Data for Geospatial Analysis

This image is interactive. Hover over each area for a description. Click highlighted areas for more information.

Creating a Blank Model

You can create and design a new model with no data, and then import data later.

  1. From the Modeler start page, select Model.
  2. Select whether you want to create a classic account model or a new model type. For more information on the differences between the two models, check out Get Started with the New Model Type.
  3. Enter a name and description (optional) for the model.
  4. Select to set up some of the model's preferences.
    1. Planning features are enabled by default, but if you want to create an analytics model, select Planning, and then switch Planning Capabilities off.

      For information about planning and analytics models, see Learn About Models.

    2. For a planning model, the From and To dates to define the timeline for the data can be changed in the side panel when selecting the date dimension.
    3. If your business fiscal year isn't the same as the calendar year, select the Date Settings tab, switch Fiscal Year on, and then select the other parameters as follows:
      • Choose the starting month of your fiscal year.
      • Choose whether you denote your fiscal year by the calendar year when it starts, or the calendar year when it ends.
      • Choose whether to display fiscal periods or calendar months in stories. For example, quarterly reports cover a fiscal period of three months, while annual reports cover a fiscal period of one year.

      Model data in stories, including tables, charts, value driver trees, input controls, and filters, will display fiscal years instead of calendar years.

    4. Enable any other features you need, such as data auditing or locking, data access control, or currency conversion.

      Note that some settings cannot be changed after you've saved the model. For more information, see Set Up Model Preferences.

    5. Select OK to save the model's settings.
    6. For a planning model, in the Model Structure view, select the date dimension to acess the side panel and specify the From and To dates to define the timeline for the data.
  5. For an analytical model, the Date dimension is optional. You can remove the Date dimension by selecting it, and then clicking the Delete icon: .
  6. If you want to change the default settings for the Date dimension, you can do that now.

    Select the Date dimension, and then in the Dimension Settings panel, review these settings:

    1. Set the granularity of the model's timeline – that is, the time period that your data will be based on: year, quarter, month, week, or day.
      The week granularity is only available for the new model type, and must be enabled first under Date Settings in the the model preferences.
    2. Choose the default date hierarchy.

      New story tiles will display this hierarchy by default.

  7. If you're creating a classic account model, add the mandatory account dimension. Add one to your model by selecting , and then either Add New Dimension to create a new one from scratch, or Add Existing Dimensions to add an account from a list of existing dimensions. If you're creating a new model type, the account dimension is optional. For more information on the configuration possibilities for the new model type, check out the Choosing a Model Configuration section in Get Started with the New Model Type.

    If you create a new account dimension, you can define it as a public dimension, if you want it to be reusable in other models.

  8. Optionally, you can add an organization dimension and also other generic dimensions to your model.

    See Learn About Dimensions and Measures for details of all dimension types.

  9. If you're creating a new model type, add one or multiple measures to your model. Click on the left in the Measures section to open the Measure Details panel, and fill in the different fields within the General, Data Type, Aggregations, Units & Currencies and Formatting sections to add a measure.
    Parameter Description
    Name Type a unique ID for the measure using letters and numbers only.
    Description Type a description for the measure to help your users identify it.
    Data Type

    Choose the data type for your measure. The data type restricts the values that the measure can hold:

    • Decimal: Up to seven decimal places and up to 15 digits total.

    • Integer: Between -2^31 to 2^31, without decimal places.

    Decimal Place If you selected Decimal, choose the number of decimal places supported, from one to seven. Keep in mind that a decimal value can only have a maximum of 15 digits including decimal places.
    Aggregation Type

    Select Sum.

    The aggregation type determines how the measure values are aggregated in hierarchical dimensions. For measures, only Sum is supported as the default, but you can specify other aggregation types for specific dimensions.

    Required Dimensions

    Select and choose the dimensions that you want to be required for the measure.

    If not all required dimensions are in the displayed with the measure, for example in a chart, table, or in the Explorer, users are notified that the measure values could be incorrect.

    Exception Aggregation Type

    Use exception aggregation when you want to aggregate non-cumulative quantities. For example, if you have the quantity Inventory Count, you might want to aggregate the inventory count across all products, but not across time periods, because it doesn't make sense to add up inventory counts from multiple time periods.

    In this case, you would choose the aggregation type SUM for Inventory Count, because you want to add up the inventory counts for all products. But if you don't specify an exception aggregation type, the inventory counts will also be summed across time. To prevent summing inventory counts across time periods, specify an exception aggregation type for the time periods.

    For example, you might want to choose just the most recent set of Inventory Count values. In this case, you would choose the exception aggregation type LAST, and the exception aggregation dimension Date.

    Exception aggregations relate to one or more dimensions. For example, for the AVG and LAST exception aggregations, a Date dimension is appropriate. If you select an exception aggregation type, you must also select an exception aggregation dimension.

    Exception Aggregation Dimension Select and choose the dimensions that will use the selected exception aggregation type.
    Units & Currencies Use these options to set the currencies for a monetary measure, or the unit displayed for a non-monetary measure.

    Unit Type: Select one of the following options:

    • Unit: Use this option for a non-monetary value where you want to display a fixed unit. Type the unit in Fixed Unit.
    • None: Select this option if you don’t need to include any units.
    • Currency: Use this option for all monetary values, then specify the currencies settings for the measure. For example, for a measure that shows only US dollars, set the Currency to Fixed and type USD.
    These settings don’t just change the units displayed; they also can change how the values are aggregated and which conversion rates apply to the measure.

    To improve the presentation of numbers, and hide numbers that are not significant, you can set this attribute to show just integers plus the specified number of decimal places. The unit value is then shown by the appropriate word or by an abbreviation. You can select one of the following options:

    • Thousand (3 numerical places – abbreviation k)
    • Million (6 numerical places – abbreviation M)
    • Billion (9 numerical places – abbreviation G. Note that G is the international standard abbreviation for billion)
    • Percent (% 2)
    This feature is related to the setting of the Unit attribute that determines if the Scale word or just the abbreviated Scale letter is used (see also the example following this table):
    • If Unit is set to Currency, the word selected as the Scale value is used in the output.
    • If Unit is undefined (blank), the abbreviated Scale letter is used.
    Decimal Places

    This setting defines the number of digits displayed after the decimal point; select a value from 0–7.

    Values that have fewer decimal places will match this setting by adding zeros to the end of the value, for example 1.100.

  10. If you're creating a new model type, click in the toolbar to open the model preferences, and under Structure Priority, use the Prioritize properties and calculations from drop down to indicate whether account settings or measure settings should get the priority.

    If you decide to prioritize the account account dimension, then all the aggregation definitions, formatting and unit handling are taken from the account dimension. But if you decide to prioritize the measures, everything is taken from the measures. For more information, check out Set Structure Priority and Create Custom Solve Order.

  11. Save your model.

    Choose which folder you want to save the model to.

Related Information

Set Up Model Preferences Set Up Data Access Control Learn About Dimensions and Measures

Creating a Model from a File


First, the source data is analyzed, and then the data is shown with proposed dimensions for the new model. You then refine the proposal by specifying dimension types and fixing any data-quality problems.

The workflow to create a new model from a file is:

  1. Import a source file.
  2. Choose dimension types for the dimensions in your new model.
  3. Specify attributes for the dimensions.
  4. Cleanse your data and fix any mapping or data quality problems.

Data files can be in your local file system or in your network. The source data can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) or a delimited text file (.csv or .txt). If you import data from Microsoft Excel, and if the data is saved in separate sheets in the Excel workbook, either you can choose which sheet to import (if from a local file system) or the first sheet is automatically imported (from a network file).

The source data must include columns that can be used to create dimensions in a new model, and it must also include transactional data (measures). (The transactional data is visible in the Data Foundation view, which shows you the fact table containing the raw, unaggregated transactional data loaded into your model. For details, see Learn About the Modeler.

The data will typically include details for the main account. You can identify which dimension is the main account during the import process, but if no account data is found, an account dimension will be generated automatically.

In addition to the main dimensions and transactional data, the source can also include attributes for dimensions; that is, text information such as hierarchy information or other properties.

  1. From the Modeler start page, select From a CSV or Excel File.
  2. In the Import Data From File dialog, choose whether you want to import data from a file on your local system, or from a file server.

    If you don't see the options to choose a local system or file server, see Allow Data Import and Model Export with a File Server.

    If you import a file from a file server, you can also schedule imports from that file. For more information, see Update and Schedule Models.
  3. If you're importing from a file server, choose a file server connection, or select Create New Connection.

    If you create a new file server connection, specify the path to the folder where the data files are located. For example: C:\folder1\folder2 or \\servername\volume\path or /mnt/abc.

  4. Choose the file you want to import.
  5. If you are importing from a local Excel workbook containing multiple sheets, select the Sheet you want to import.
    If you are importing from an Excel file on a file server, the first sheet is automatically imported.
  6. If you're importing a .csv file, select which delimiter is used in the file, or select Auto-detect.
  7. Select Import.

    For small data files, the data is imported and displayed in the data integration view, which shows the imported data columns that you'll define as dimensions, measures, and attributes.

    Larger data files may take some time to upload. You can work on other tasks while the data is being uploaded in the background.

  8. When the data is finished uploading, select it from the Draft Data list to open it in the data integration view.

Next Steps

After the initial import of raw data, continue with the data preparation task before completing your model. See Import and Prepare Fact Data for a Classic Account Model, and Import and Prepare Fact Data for a Model with Measures.

Related Information

Allow Data Import and Model Export with a File Server

Creating a Model from a Dataset

  1. From the Modeler start page, select From a Data Source.
  2. From the proposed list, select Dataset and browse up to your dataset.

Related Information

Create a New Model

Creating a Model from a Live Data Connection


A live data connection to another system is required. The system administrator will create live data connections using the Connections page in SAP Analytics Cloud.

If you want to perform geospatial analysis in your model, then you must manually prepare your data for geospatial analysis in the connected system using SAP HANA Studio.

Access to other systems is usually secured by user ID and password.

  1. From the Modeler start page, select Live Data Model.
  2. Choose a System Type.
    If you're creating a model from an SAP S/4HANA live data connection, choose the SAP BW system type.
  3. Then select a specific live data Connection.

    You will be prompted to enter the user ID and password to access the selected system. This makes a connection to the target system and reads the list of views that are available.

  4. Select the Data Source.
    If you know the name of the data source, you can type or paste it in. Or, you can select the icon to search for a data source or choose one from a list. The first 100 views are preloaded in the list.
    The model must be created based on a query or view that contains a measure.
  5. Enter the Name and Description for the new model that will be created, and click OK.
  6. If you need to build a query, do so by dragging data from the Available Data list to the Selected Data and Filters areas.

    Select OK when you've finished building the query.

  7. If the data from your data source comes in different versions (Actuals, Budget, Planning, Forecast, Rolling Forecast), select the (Version Information) icon on the toolbar to specify the version information.

    Then, select the column from your data source that contains the version information, and then specify the relevant category for each version of your data, such as Actuals, Budget, Planning, Forecast, or Rolling Forecast.

    If you're using this model in a story, the data will be automatically filtered on Actuals and you can create variance charts with the different categories.

  8. Save your model.



If you have imported a model containing geographical data from an SAP HANA system, some geospatial analysis features such as map filters will be automatically disabled.

If you import a location-enabled model from a live HANA calculation view, you will need to add multiple location dimensions to the new model. For more information, see Creating Geo Spatial Models from HANA Calculation Views.

Related Information

Live Data Connection Overview Diagram

Models Based on Live Data Connection to HANA Views

Creating a Model from Salesforce Data



If your SAP Analytics Cloud system is hosted on a data center located within China, this feature is not available.

If you try to refresh the model data and the refresh token is expired, you can manually update the connection with the new connection credentials for the data refresh to work again.
Importing Salesforce data into an existing model isn't supported.
  1. From the Modeler start page, select From a Data Source.
  2. Select Salesforce.
  3. Type a name for your model.
  4. Select your Salesforce connection or select Create New Connection to create a new connection.

    For more information, see Import Data Connection to Salesforce.

  5. In the Select Data area, select User Predefined Model or Define Query.
    • User Predefined Model: A predefined selection of queries that are useful to most Salesforce users.
    • Define Query: Select a number of OData entities that are linked by ID, and select specific properties from them. Select Set to proceed.
  6. Select a Source.

    This is the list of user reports on (SFDC).

  7. Define the Metadata Mapping.

    This shows how each dimension is mapped. Once you select a source in the previous step, the metadata mapping is automatically defined. However, if you prefer to use dimension names different from the ones used in the SFDC report, you can edit the predefined names.

  8. Select Import.
  9. Save your model.

Creating Geo Spatial Models from HANA Calculation Views

You can import a location-enabled model from a live HANA calculation view and use this data source to add multiple location dimensions to a new model.


To create a Geo model in SAP Analytics Cloud from calculation views on a live HANA system:

  • The HANA system should be at least on SPS11 on 112.07 or higher or SPS12 on 122.03 or higher.
  • You need to perform data preparation on your source data before undertaking the steps below. For more information see SAP Note 2395407Information published on SAP site.
  1. From the Modeler start page, select Live Data Model.
    From the acquire data panel, select the filter icon to narrow down the number of data sources in the list. You can filter by data source type or by category.

    The Create Model From Live Data Connection dialog is displayed.

    1. In the System Type field, select SAP HANA.
    2. Then in the Connection field, select the name of the live HANA system containing the calculation views you want to import.

      Provide your access credentials to the system in the displayed Set Credentials dialog.

    3. Select the name of the calculation view you want to import from the Data Source list.
    4. Provide a name for the new model and select OK.

      The calculation view is imported and saved with the new model.

  2. Select the (Create a Location Dimension) icon.

    The Create Location Dimension dialog is displayed.

  3. In Create Location Dimension, map the location identifier for your calculation view with the corresponding location data and mapping identifiers.
    Field Required information
    Location Identifier Select the key column which contains the identifier for the locations
    View Name Select the location data view.
    Location Dimension Name This name is automatically generated from the Location Data name.
    Identifier for Mapping Select the name of the key column of the location data view.
    the column names in the calculation view model and the location data view have to be unique.
  4. Save your model.


You can now visualize the location data on a geo map.

Related Information

Creating a Geo Map

Creating a Model with Coordinate or Area Data for Geospatial Analysis

Before you perform geospatial analysis in stories, you must first import coordinate data or area data, and enrich it in the Modeler. This process creates a new column in the data view with an enriched format of latitude and longitude coordinates or by area using country, region, and subregion data.


You must use acquired data from supported sources such as SAP BW or a file (.xlsx or CSV). The data must contain a location ID column with unique data, as well as either latitude and longitude columns, or country (required if your regions and subregions are in different countries), region, and subregion columns.


These steps describe how to enrich coordinate or area data while creating a model from a file. You can also enrich coordinate or area data while uploading data to an existing model. For more information, see Combine Data with Your Acquired Data.

  1. From the Modeler start page, select From CSV or Exccel File.
  2. In the Import Model From File dialog, choose whether you want to import data from a file on your local system, or from a file server.

    If you don't see the option to import data from a file server, see Allow Data Import and Model Export with a File Server.

    If you import a file from a file server, you can also schedule imports from that file. For more information, see Update and Schedule Models.
  3. If you're importing from a file server, choose a file server connection, or select Create New Connection.

    If you create a new file server connection, specify the path to the folder where the data files are located. For example: C:\folder1\folder2 or \\servername\volume\path or /mnt/abc.

  4. Choose the file you want to import.
  5. If you are importing from a local Excel workbook containing multiple sheets, select the Sheet you want to import.

    If you are importing from an Excel file on a file server, the first sheet is automatically imported.

  6. If you're importing a .csv file, select which delimiter is used in the file.
  7. Select Import.

    For small data files, the data is imported and displayed in the Data Integration view, which shows the imported data columns that you'll define as dimensions, measures, and attributes.

  8. Larger data files may take some time to upload. You can work on other tasks while the dataset is being uploaded in the background. When the data is finished uploading, select it from the Draft Data list to open it in the Data Integration view.

  9. Ensure that at least one numeric column has Measure as its dimension type.
  10. Select (Geo Enrichment) in the toolbar, and then choose either of the following options:
    • By Coordinates if you want to use latitude and longitude data to create the location dimension.
    • By Area Name if you want to create the location dimension based on country, region, and subregion data. The country data can be imported as ISO3 and ISO2 codes, or the country names in English.
      To download a list of supported area names, use the link provided in the Geo Enrichment By Area Name dialog.
  11. Specify the following information:
    • By Coordinates:
      • Dimension Name: Type a name for the dimension that you will create using the geo enrich process.
      • Location Description: Select the column that will provide the tooltip text for dimension members displayed in a geo map.
      • Location ID: Select the dimension you want to associate with the new location dimension. Select a dimension with a unique location ID.

        You can create a location for the Dimension ID column of an organization or generic dimension. You cannot create a location dimension associated with Account, Version or Date dimensions.
      • Latitude: Select the column that contains the latitude coordinate.
      • Longitude: Select the column that contains the longitude coordinate.
        When specifying coordinates, SAP Analytics Cloud only supports the decimal degrees format (with the degree symbol omitted). For example: A latitude of 38.8897 and a longitude of -77.0089.
    • By Area Name

      Choose how you want to specify the country data:

      • Select Column: if you want to select the column containing the country data.
      • Select Country: if you want to select a specific country from a dropdown list.
        If you select a country from the list, after the data is geo-enriched, it will be limited to areas within the selected country.
  12. Select Create.

    A new column is created for the location dimension. Any data quality issues are displayed in the Details panel.


When working with stories, the location dimension will be available to add to geo maps.
In your geo maps, use the choropleth/drill layer to navigate through location dimensions enriched By Area Name.

Next Steps

Continue with the data preparation task before completing your model. See Import and Prepare Fact Data for a Classic Account Model, and Import and Prepare Fact Data for a Model with Measures.

Analyzing Geographical Data

Creating a Geo Map

Adding the Bubble Layer

Adding the Heat Map Layer

Adding the Choropleth Layer

Video: How to Create Models from Files

Open this video in SAP Media Share

In this video, you will create a model based on a file, review data wrangling and transformation options available, validate the data, and review the options available to edit and enhance saved models.

Mapping Versions for Usage in the Variance Chart

Map the versions in order to use them in the variance chart.


Before you can use a version in a variance chart, the version has to be visible. To make the version visible in the user dialog, it needs to be mapped in the model dialog for a Data Source (either BW, BPC, HANA, or Universe), because this logic will not be mapped automatically. In the live data model the versions Actual, Budget, Planning, Forecast, Rolling Forecast have to be mapped to use the functionality of version-based variance chart. It results in a comparison of a measure restricted by version based on the report designers choice, for example, Sales Volume Actual compared with Sales Volume Planning.

Map the SAC versions of the drop-down list box in the model to the corresponding version instances of the source system:


  1. Choose Live Data connection for your model.
  2. Enter the corresponding System Type, Connection, and Data Source.
  3. Select the Version Information .
    1. Choose the corresponding version name from Select Version ID Column.
    1. Map each entry with one of the categories: Actual, Budget, Planning, Forecast, Rolling Forecast.
  4. Go to your story and when creating the variance you can use the versions.

Models Based on Live Data Connection to HANA Views

You can create models by connecting to SAP HANA database views. Functionality available for models based on HANA views is slightly different in comparison to other models.

With analytics models based on HANA views, you can use your existing data with SAP Analytics Cloud. Many of the features used in planning-type models are not relevant for this type of model, including financial data types, and currencies. These are some of the main differences and features:

Managing Dimensions and Versions

In HANA models, only a single Measures dimension is initially visible in the model, but all other dimensions are available on the All Dimensions tab. Because the number of dimensions may be large, and many of these dimensions won't be relevant in SAP Analytics Cloud, you can use the Hide check boxes to make dimensions unavailable in stories based on this model.

For models based on HANA views, version management functionality is also available. You can use this feature to map any of the imported dimensions to selected SAP Analytics Cloud planning categories such as Budgets, Actuals, or Forecasts.

You can define variables for all types of models, but if variables have been defined in HANA you will also be prompted to enter the required values in SAP Analytics Cloud when you open the data output.

Calculated Columns

When using calculated columns in SAP HANA live data connection models, you'll need to keep in mind the output type of any formulas and operations in use. For data correctness, it is important to ensure the following:

  • Any intermediate results are correctly cast to the appropriate type.
  • The final result has the appropriate type and scale set.

For example, if you use a function that returns an integer, and divide the result by another integer, the produced output will be an integer, resulting in the loss of any digits to the right of the decimal point. This loss could cause critical data correctness issues.

  • Example 1: Calculated Column (Data Type: INTEGER)

    "Age (in Years)"=DaysBetween("Birth_Date", now())/365

    • The formula will return only whole integers for age, which corresponds to the Data Type specified for the calculated column, and is the expected result.
  • Example 2: Calculated Column (Data Type: DECIMAL, Length=34, Scale=2)

    "Tenure (in Years)"=DaysBetween("Hire_Date", now())/365

    • The formula will return only whole integers for tenure, but the calculated column settings indicate that a floating point number is expected as the result, meaning that a significant amount of information will be lost for each tenure calculation.
    • In cases like this, there are two recommendations:
      • Use a conversion function on one or both integer values being divided, to convert to the floating number type with the desired precision (for example, DECFLOAT).
      • Increase the Scale setting to minimize the loss of precision as values for the calculated column are aggregated.
    • A corrected Calculated Column definition could be (Data Type: DECIMAL, Length=34, Scale=7)

      "Tenure (in Years)"=DECFLOAT(DaysBetween("Hire_Date", now()))/DECFLOAT(365)


Analytics models that are based on underlying HANA database views will inherit the security restrictions applied in HANA. These restrictions can be modified in SAP Analytics Cloud by assigning specific user role security to them.

The Data Access option that is available for other model types to restrict input to specific named cells is not available for this type of model.

Note that access to models may be secured, and you may be prompted for credentials before opening the model.

Enriching String-Based Time Dimensions

When you create a model based on a live data connection HANA view, if your HANA view contains string-based time dimensions or date dimensions that you want to enrich with time-hierarchy information, complete the following steps.

If you enrich the string-based time dimensions or date dimensions in your HANA view, you can use time-related features such as Difference From story calculations, trend series charts, and time range sliders for filtering. Before you can follow these steps, you'll need these prerequisite configurations:

  • Your remote HANA system needs to be on baseline level 2.
  • The HANA MODEL DATE ENRICHMENT Delivery unit needs to be imported to the remote system. You'll need to grant SELECT access to the views in the delivery unit to end users.
This feature isn't available with SAP HANA as a Service (HaaS) deployments.
  1. After you select a view, select (Create Time Dimension).
  2. In the Dimension field, select the HANA string-based time dimension or date dimension that you want to enrich (for example, 0CALMONTH, which needs to have the format YYYYMM – Calendar Year/Month).
    • Year must be of type String, with the format YYYY.
    • Quarter must be of type String, with the format YYYYQ.
    • Month must be of type String, with the format YYYYMM.
    • Day must be of type String, with the format YYYYMMDD, or a DATE type column.
    • Other types (for example, Timestamp and SECONDDATE) and formats (for example, MM for month) are not supported.
  3. In the Time View field, select the Calculation View that you want to use to enrich the dimension with.
    Choose the granularity that matches the granularity of the dimension you're creating.
  4. In the Field in Time View field, select the column in the Calculation View that will be used as the join dimension for enriching the dimension. Its format should exactly match the format of the dimension being enriched.
  5. Choose the Default Hierarchy for the new dimension.
    You'll be able to work with these enriched dimensions the same way you work with date dimensions in import data models.

Enabled Features

Some SAP Analytics Cloud features are enabled for models based on HANA views only if the SAP HANA system meets certain criteria:

SAP HANA System Configuration Features Enabled

Live HANA baseline level 1


  • SAP HANA 1.0 SPS12 rev 122.14


  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS01 rev 012.02 or higher
  • The latest matching EPMMDS plug-in must be installed. For more information on EPMMDS plug-in versions, see SAP Note 2444261 Information published on SAP site.
  • Exception aggregation types:

    • COUNT excl. NULL
    • COUNT excl. 0, NULL
    • AVG excl. NULL
    • AVG excl. 0, NULL
  • Modeler formulas:

    • IF
    • MIN
    • MAX
    • MOD
    • FLOOR
    • CEIL
    • ROUND
    • TRUNC
    • SQRT
    • EXP
    • ISNULL
    • NOT
  • Story calculations:

    • Difference From
  • Search to Insight
  • Advanced restricted measures, such as Constant Selection

Live HANA baseline level 2


  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS02 rev 024.05 or higher, or
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS03 rev 033.00 or higher
  • The matching EPMMDS plug-in must be installed. For more information on EPMMDS plug-in versions, see SAP Note 2444261 Information published on SAP site.

All of the above features that are enabled with Live HANA baseline level 1, plus the following additional features:

  • Enriched time dimensions
    You will need to download a Delivery unit (DU) and import it to your HANA live system. The DU will be named “SAC HANA Model Date Enrichment - SP0 for HANA_MODEL_DATE_ENRICHMENT” or similar.
  • Calculated dimensions
  • Measure-based filters
  • Blending between import data models and live data models
  • Date Difference story calculations
  • Custom sort order
  • Timestamp dimension support in time series charts
  • Histogram support for live data models
  • Natural language querying on models with timestamp dimensions
  • Story and modeling formulas:
    • LENGTH
    • LIKE
    • SUBSTR

Live HANA baseline level 3


  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS02 rev 24.06 or higher, or
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS03 rev 34.00 or higher
  • The matching EPMMDS plug-in must be installed. For more information on EPMMDS plug-in versions, see SAP Note 2444261 Information published on SAP site.

All of the above features that are enabled with Live HANA baseline level 2, plus the following additional features:

  • ToNumber and ToText calculations
  • Improved Count and Average exception aggregation
  • The display of units and currency in charts, tables, and tooltips is based on the user profile

Live HANA baseline level 4


  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS02 rev 24.10 or higher, or
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS03 rev 38.00 or higher, or
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04 rev 40.00 or higher
  • The matching EPMMDS plug-in must be installed. For more information on EPMMDS plug-in versions, see SAP Note 2444261 Information published on SAP site.

All of the above features that are enabled with Live HANA baseline level 3, plus the following additional features:

  • Performance improvements when filtering across models

Live HANA baseline level 5


  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS03 rev 37.02 or higher, or
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04 rev 41.00 or higher

All of the above features that are enabled with Live HANA baseline level 4, plus the following additional exception aggregation types:

  • MEDIAN excl. NULL
  • MEDIAN excl. 0, NULL

Models Based on Live Data Connections to SAP Universes and Web Intelligence Documents

You can create models based on Web Intelligence documents. By doing so, you can leverage your BI investment and reuse Web Intelligence dimensions, measures, calculations (variables), …

To make sure you get the right data for your model, and later for your story, we’ve prepared a list of things you should know about document lifecycle, refreshes, and synchronization.

Supported Documents

When creating a model using a Web Intelligence document as a data source, the data and the semantics are retrieved from the document’s cube.

The following documents aren’t supported:
  • Documents created in SAP HANA Online mode
  • Documents that have the Refresh on Open option enabled in Web Intelligence
  • Documents with no measures

Also, make sure that the document you want to use as a data source is stored in a corporate folder and assigned to the category defined by the boe.webi.category.cuid parameter. For more info, please refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Live Data Connect Installation and Security Guide.

Also, note that the security defined for the document in Web Intelligence applies in SAP Analytics Cloud, including view-time security.

Supported Universe Features

Refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Live Data Connect Installation and Security Guide to get the full list of universes features supported in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Object Mapping

In the query builder, objects appear as a flat list under the “All Objects” node. They’re listed by type, dimensions or measures. There’s no distinction between dimensions coming straight from a universe, and dimensions that are the result of variable calculations. The same applies to measures.

Existing measures in the Web Intelligence document used as a data source don't require setting local aggregations in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Data Lifecycle

The Web Intelligence document controls the data that is displayed in SAP Analytics Cloud. When you refresh a story, the application fetches the latest instance from the Web Intelligence document. We recommend administrators to schedule regular refreshes to make sure the data stays up to date.

Document Lifecyle

If a Web Intelligence user edits the document and its objects, the SAP Analytics Cloud story displays a warning message on the visualizations that leverage these objects, prompting you to edit the model and the underlying query.

If Web Intelligence are consumed in SAP Analytics Cloud, make sure you don’t delete the document or its objects to avoid breaking the model that relies on the document or its objects.