Resizing Tables Automatically to Fit Data

When working with large data sets, you might want to see the entirety of the data you’re working with.


With large data sets, there’s usually more data than a table can display, and scroll bars help you view the columns and rows that aren’t displayed initially.

In Canvas pages, you can resize a table so that its size is no longer fixed and automatically adjusts vertically to display all rows. The table size changes depending on different events, such as data refresh or new filters for instance. In Edit mode, the size of the table also adapts to the canvas size or orientation, with both fixed and dynamic page option. In View mode, the size of the table also adapts to the canvas size or orientation defined in Edit mode.

The option applies only to the table you have selected, but you can have multiple automatically resizable tables on the same canvas.
  • There’s no relative positioning when using automatically resizable tables. They might overlap other existing widgets on the canvas. If that’s the case, try repositioning either the tables, or the overlapped widgets.
  • The optimized tables in beta mode don't support automatically resizable table.


  1. Open the Designer panel.
  2. Select your table on the canvas.
  3. Click to open the Builder panel.
  4. Under Reporting, check Automatically resize table vertically.