Use the Administration Cockpit

The Administration Cockpit is an analytic application that allows you to monitor and analyze your system usage.

The Administration Cockpit provides a detailed way for you to monitor and analyze your system usage. It provides an overview of user, team, and role authorization assignments. You can also view folder sharing settings, where models are used, fact sheets, and system housekeeping information. This tool provides more detailed information than what is avaiable on the Monitor page.

To view the Administration Cockpit go to: Start of the navigation path Files Next navigation step  System Next navigation step Common Next navigation step SAC ContentEnd of the navigation path and then find the Admin Cockpit analytic application in the list.

The following tabs are included in the Administration Cockpit: Home, Authorization, Security, Dependencies, Usage, Content, Housekeeping, Trace, E2E Performance Analysis, Performance Statistics, Data Action Statistics.


Includes prebuilt tiles that can be customized according to your preferences. Tiles can be added and deleted from the Home tab.

The following tiles are included by default:
  • SAC Sessions: Overview of live and active sessions that were created by users currently logged on.
  • Passive Sessions: Overview of sessions that were created by users currently logged on, but are not being actively used.
  • Active User: List of users that are currently logged on. This includes information about what licenses each user is assigned.
  • Users Never Logged-On: List of users that have never logged on.
  • Session Trend: Historic view on user logons, including SAP Analytics Cloud sessions, and browser sessions that were opened during user logons.
  • License Usage Trend: Historic view of all used licenses. The (More Actions) menu opens a chart of license usage history per license type.
  • Adoption Trend: Shows how many users have logged on at least one time.
  • Concurrent Licenses: The number of concurrent licenses currently being consumed, and the maximum limit. The More Actions menu opens a chart with the logon history of users assigned a concurrent license.
  • BI Licenses: Assigned Business Intelligence licenses and their maximum limit. The (More Actions) menu opens a chart with the logon history of users assigned a Business Intelligence license.
  • Planning Licenses: Assigned Planning licenses and their maximum limit. The (More Actions) menu opens a chart with the logon history of users assigned with a Planning license.
  • Professional Licenses: Assigned Planning Professional licenses and their maximum limit. The (More Actions) menu opens a chart with the logon history of users assigned a Planning Professional license.
  • Top 10 User by Storage: Users organized by the size of their total stored content.
  • Top 10 Models by Storage: Models organized by size.
  • Search for: Allows you to search the Administration Cockpit for specific information, and view related fact sheets. For example, folder, connection, model, dataset information. For more information, see


Provides a picture of role and team assignments. Key KPIs show users, teams, roles that are in-use, teams without any user assignments, users that have not logged-on in the past 6 month or more, and user accounts that have never been used at all.

The User section displays user IDs that can be filtered using the KPI tiles above. A user’s fact sheet can help you identify which roles the user inherits via a team assignment, and which roles are directly assigned.

The Team section helps to find unused teams and teams that have no role assignment. It also shows the teams’ size.

The Role section gives the full list of roles that have been directly assigned to users or teams and their frequency of use.

If you are looking for a specific user, team, or role, you can use the Search for tile on the Home tab to find the relevant fact sheets directly.


Allows you to view what has been shared, and who it has been shared with. Key KPIs show the number of shared objects, and how often something has been shared.

The shared objects table provides a full list of object names, their descriptions, and IDs.

If you are looking for a specific folder, story, or other object, you can use the Search for tile on the Home tab to find the relevant fact sheets directly.


Provides an overview of dependencies in the system. Key KPIs show how many models, connections, data actions, and all other object types that might have dependents. The number of models and data actions that aren’t in use anymore are also displayed.
A dependent object is an object that describes the dependency between two other objects. The dependent object ID corresponds to the full object ID. These dependent objects are used to determine what objects are dependent upon others.


Provides an overview of what is used, unused, used most, and who are the top contributors.


The Content Summary provides a quick overview of all objects created in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Sections contain more detailed information, and the menu provides access to fact sheets, the editor, and the overview.
  • Fact Sheet provides detailed information about an object that you can drill down into.
  • Editor opens the maintenance area for the selected object. The Editor cannot be used on users, teams, or connections.
  • Overview directs you to the menu entry for the selected object.
If you select a table entry, clicking opens a new browser tab.
You can export tables as to CSV, XLSX, and PDF.


Allows you to identify objects that are not actively used. The Key KPIs and the Unused Resources section can be filtered for using the timeframe of current month – 24 month to current month – 6 months.

The oldest accessed objects sections show all objects sorted by last access date per object type in an ascending order.


Shows the information available on the Start of the navigation path System Next navigation step  Monitor Next navigation step TraceEnd of the navigation path page.

This section also includes an additional error history chart, as well as the Top 10 Users by errors history chart.

E2E Performance Analysis

Provides an embedded view of the SAP Analytics Cloud Performance Analysis Tool. For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud Performance Analysis Tool.

Performance Statistics

Provides an embedded view of the SAP Analytics Cloud Performance Statistics and Analysis Tool. For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud Performance Statistics and Analysis.

Data Action Statistics

Provides an embedded view of the SAP Analytics Cloud Data Action Performance Statistics and Analysis Tool. For more information, see SAP Analytics Cloud Data Action Performance Statistics and Analysis.

Understand Fact Sheets

Fact sheets contain detailed information about objects in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Fact sheets are available for models, users, roles, teams, analytic applications, stories, insights, folders, connections, data actions and datasets. They can be accessed through the Administration Cockpit.

Model Fact Sheet

The header area contains the model ID, name, description, creation date, and owner. The menu allows you to open the model editor, or the model overview.

The overview section contains the following information:
  • Key KPIs: Shows the number of dependent objects, users, and teams, that have access to the model, the users that use the model in their stories, applications, and data actions. Also shows the delete and share rights for the model.
  • Dependents: Shows a tabular view of name, description, ID, full ID of dependent objects, object type and subtype, and how many users or teams have access to the model.
  • Security: Shows the user ID, team ID, the delete rights, and share rights for the model.
  • Open Model History: Shows the read access history of the model.

The security section contains a tabular view of the access matrix for all users and teams that have access to the model.

The dependencies section contains a tabular view of the name, description, ID, full ID, object type and subtype of the dependent object, as well as how many users and teams have access to it.

The content section contains a list of the content creators for this model, and the creators of its dependents.

User Fact Sheet

The header area contains the user ID, first and last name, email contact, license type, display name, current activity status, and last successful connection by the user. The menu allows you to go directly to the user administration page.

The overview section contains the following information:
  • Key KPIs: Shows the number of different object types that have been shared with the user, how many roles are directly assigned to the user, how many roles the user inherits, and how many teams the user is a member of.
  • Session Trends: Shows the history of the users SAP Analytics Cloud sessions, and browser sessions by day.
  • Most Read Resources: Shows the models, analytic applications, stories, and insights that are used most by the user.

The authorization section contains a tabular view of role assignments which can be separated into the following categories: directly assigned, team inherited, and team assignments.

The security section contains a tabular view of object names, descriptions, IDs, and full IDs of objects shared with the user.

The content section contains a list of the content that has been created by the user, and how many users and teams have access to the content.

Role Fact Sheet

Shows user and team assignments. The menu allows you to navigate directly to role maintenance.

Team Fact Sheet

Shows user and role assignments. The menu allows you to navigate directly to the team overview.

Additional Fact Sheets

The following fact sheets contain the same information and functionality as a model fact sheet, but only the overview and security sections are relevant:
  • Analytic Application
  • Story
  • Insight
  • Folder
  • Connection
  • Data Action
  • Dataset