
This endpoint returns the master data for the specified provider.

API Request Details

URL {BaseURL}/providers/{NamespaceID}/{ProviderID}/MasterData
Make sure to replace NamespaceID and {ProviderID} with the correct IDs.
Request Type GET
Content Type application/json

The reponse can also be generated in .CSV format using the $format=text/csv parameter in the request.

Sample Request


Sample Response

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#MasterData", 
    "value": [ 
            "Account.ID": "Unweighted_Revenue",
            "Account.accType": "Sales", 
            "Account.Description": "Unweighted Revenue", 
            "Country.ID": "IRE", 
            "Country.Description": "Republic of Ireland", 
            "ABC_Classification.ID": "AAA", 
            "ABC_Classification.Description": "Highest classification level" 


