Edit Translations Manually

You can view the source and the translated text in the Translation panel, and add or edit the translated text manually.


You must be assigned either a Translator role, or a custom role with Create permission for Translation, to add translated text for a story.


  1. From the side navigation, choose Translation.
  2. Select (Edit Translations).
    The list of source text appears.
  3. Choose the Target Language and start adding the translated text in the blank field.
    • You can select (Copy from source) to copy the source text.
    • You can select (Filter) to filter the source text based on the following criteria: Translated, Not Translated, HTML, or Text.
  4. Select Save.
    A message Translation updated successfully appears, and the user who had marked the story, model, or dimension for translation is notified.


You have now successfully saved the newly translated text.
You can select (Delete translations for the current language) to delete all the translated text for a target language.