Entering Values in a Table

When working with a table based on a planning model in SAP Analytics Cloud, you can create and edit model values by typing in the table cells.

Entering values is possible when the following conditions are met:
  • You have permissions and authorizations to make changes to the model values.

    Users with BI roles can create private versions and change single booked values. Planner Reporter, Modeler, and Admin roles can use any of the planning tools to enter data on public or private versions. For more information, see Permissions. For more information about working with versions, refer to Create, Publish, and Manage Versions of Planning Data

  • The cell is not locked, either by a value lock or by data locking.

    For more information on value locks in stories, see About Value Lock Management. For more information on data locking, see Configuring Data Locking.

  • If the cell is calculated by a formula, the formula must have one or more inverse formulas defined, and the target cells must be booked. For more information, see Inverse Formulas. For restricted measures and accounts, you can also change the values of cells that are included in the scope of the restriction.

  • The value can be disaggregated from the cell to one or more leaf members for each dimension in the model. For more information, see Disaggregation of Values During Data Entry.


When you modify data in a table cell, all of the cells in the visible area (processed area) – including any new cells (records) – will be highlighted.

Only the cells in the currently visible area (currently processed area) will be highlighted. If your table has a vertical scroll bar, cells in areas that haven't been processed yet won't have any highlighted cells.


You can choose to show tooltips that explain why a selected cell does not allow data entry. To enable these tooltips, from your table select Start of the navigation path Next navigation step Show/Hide Next navigation step Reason for unplannable dataEnd of the navigation path.

Data entry and copy and paste operations do not affect members that have been excluded from the table by story, page, or table filters on dimensions or dimension attributes. However, data actions and allocation processes can still affect these members.

Members that are selected in a filter but set to invisible are treated as visible members when you type or paste values in the table.

How to Enter Values

When entering values in table cells you can overwrite the existing value with an absolute or relative value. Absolute values are used when you want to type the exact number, and relative values are used when you want the system to help with changes such as increments or decrements.

Whether you do absolute or relative changes you can also choose to use the scale notation.

For example, to use the scale notation to write 750 Million, you could type 750 Million or 0.75B ( .75B will also work).

Numeric Scale Symbols

The following values can be used with or without a space between the number and the letter.


Single Letter

Complete Word

Short Form



1 Thousand




1 Million




1 Billion


You can include the scale notation with your value.

Use Relative Values

To use a relative value to overwrite the current value do the following:
  1. Select the cell.

  2. Type the relative value.

    For example, type a relative value such as *2 or +500.

Relative Value Symbols

The following symbols are used to change the relative value of a table cell; nn refers to the numeric value.

Relative Value Symbol Description
*nn Multiply by nn
/nn Divide by nn
nn% Increase or reduce by nn percentage
+nn Add nn to the value
+-nn Subtract nn from the value (add a negative amount)

View, Modify, or Correct an Existing Value

Values formatted to millions or billions are easier to read, but you don't see all the digits of the number.

Double-click in a table cell to display all the digits of the value.

To modify the existing value with a specific value, do one of the following:
  • Use the backspace key to delete some or all digits of the current value.

  • Use the mouse (or arrow + shift key) to select the specific digits that you want to replace or delete.


Your value is 819325438, and you want it to be 819214438:

  1. Double-click the table cell.

  2. Use the mouse to select 325.

  3. Type 214.

  4. Press Enter or click away from the cell.

The value is updated, as are the other cells that reference that cell.

You can change cell values by copying and pasting, cutting and pasting, or using allocation features. For more information, see the following topics:

Fluid Data Entry Mode

By default, data values are entered using single data entry mode, which processes data immediately after each new data entry. To have a smoother data entry experience for your table, you could use fluid data entry mode instead. In this mode, data values entered in a fast sequence will be processed together at the same time as a batch; you don’t need to wait for the system to update between entries.

To enable this mode, in the Builder panel look for the property Default Data Entry Mode, and then change the default option to Fluid Data Entry.


The option Fluid Data Entry is only available for an optimized presentation table.

The fluid data entry mode is not available for a table built on a BPC live connection model.

If you use the functionality of Add Member in the fluid data entry mode, please first make a data entry on the newly added member and wait for it to be processed before moving on, which will give you a better data entry experience.

When you use cells outside the data region (custom cells) in the fluid data entry mode, cell references won’t update after data entry.


To set or change the time interval for fluid data entry batches, go to Start of the navigation pathSystem Next navigation step Administration Next navigation step System ConfigurationEnd of the navigation path, and update the value for Time interval of fluid data entry batches (in milliseconds). Data values entered with time between every two successive data entries within this set time interval will be treated as belonging to the same fluid data entry batch.

For example, you set the time interval to 500 milliseconds (0.5 seconds). This means that during your data entry, if there is a 0.5-second of inactivity, a batch is processed, and the next data value you enter will be treated as the first one of a new fluid data entry batch.

What you need to know about the fluid data entry mode:
  • During fluid data entry, after you change a cell, its parent and child cells are locked, data changes are processed, and then locked cells are unlocked. However, there are rare cases where cells may be locked slowly or unlocked too fast, making both parent and child cells editable at the same time. Please pay attention as you may get unexpected values in the parent or child cells.

  • In a table with data point comments or data locks, if you make data entries in cells before the last fluid data entry batch finishes being processed, their background color may not turn blue.


During fluid data entry, if the table structure is changed (removal or addition of rows/columns), you may get unexpected results like misplaced values or loss of values. Here are some of the cases where this issue may arise:

  • changes of data that lead to the removal of rows or columns in booked mode.

  • data entry on a parent node that makes visible its child members and thus a whole row or column in booked mode.

  • selecting or deselecting in page filters that results in the removal or addition of rows/columns.

If you run into this issue, please manually refresh your table to make sure the table structure is shown correctly and your data entry will then work as expected.

Working with Booked and Unbooked Cells

When you change a booked value, the leaf members that aggregate up to that value are adjusted proportionally to reflect your change.

When you enter a new value in an unbooked cell, which displays a dash character (-) instead of a value, values are also booked to one or more leaf members for each dimension that aggregates up to the cell. The Unassigned member usually receives these values. For more information, see Disaggregation of Values During Data Entry.