Import Data Connection to SAP Open Connectors Query-Based Data Sources

You can create import data connections to several third-party data sources using SAP Integration Suite Open Connectors capabilities. Follow these steps to create a connection to query-based data stored in a third-party cloud application.


This feature is not available if:
  • Your SAP Analytics Cloud system is hosted on a data center located within China.
  • Your SAP Analytics Cloud system is hosted on an SAP data center. Your SAP Analytics Cloud system must be hosted on a non-SAP data center (and therefore running in a Cloud Foundry environment). Determine which environment SAP Analytics Cloud is hosted in by inspecting your SAP Analytics Cloud URL:
    • A single-digit number, for example us1 or jp1, indicates an SAP data center.
    • A two-digit number, for example eu10 or us30, indicates a non-SAP data center.

To create connections to third-party data sources powered by Open Connectors, please integrate SAP Open Connectors with SAP Analytics Cloud first. For more information, see Use SAP Integration Suite Open Connectors.


You can create a connection to import query-based data from the following third-party data sources:

  • Autotask CRM
  • ConnectWise CRM REST Beta
  • Infusionsoft REST
  • Insightly
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • NetSuite CRM 2018 Release 1


  1. From the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path Connections Next navigation step  (Add Connection)End of the navigation path.
    The Select a data source dialog will appear.
  2. From the categories filter, select Open Connectors and select a query-based data connection under Acquire Data (see the list of data sources above).
  3. Depending on the connection you selected, follow these steps:
    In the steps below, if you need to use a redirect URL, use the following URLs instead of the ones shown in the screenshots:
    • If your SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) landscape is operating in European Union (EU) Access mode (for data protection within the EU), use
    • Or, for an SAP Analytics Cloud host name that ends with "", "", "", "", "" or "", use
    • Or, for an SAP Analytics Cloud host name that ends with "" or others, use
    1. Autotask CRM: Enter a unique Connection Name, the Server URL, and a Username and Password, and then select Create.
      For more information on the connection details, see Autotask CRM API Provider Setup.
    2. Enter a unique Connection Name, enter an API Key, and then log on to Close using your account credentials.
      For more information, see API Provider Setup.
    3. ConnectWise CRM REST Beta: Enter a unique Connection Name, and the other required connection details, and then log on to ConnectWise using your account credentials.
      For more information on the connection details, see ConnectWise CRM REST API Provider Setup.
    4. Infusionsoft REST: Enter a unique Connection Name, enter the OAuth API Key and the OAuth API Secret, and then sign in to Infusionsoft using your account credentials.
      For more information on how to obtain the API Key and Secret, see Infusionsoft CRM API Provider Setup.
    5. Insightly: Enter a unique Connection Name, enter the API Key, and then sign in to Insightly using your account credentials.
      For more information on how to obtain the API Key, see Insightly API Provider Setup.
    6. Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Enter a unique Connection Name, choose an Authentication Type, enter the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Tenant URL, OAuth Client ID in Azure AD, and the OAuth Client Secret in Azure AD, and then sign in to Microsoft using your account credentials.
      For more information on how to obtain the API Client ID and Client Secret, see Microsoft Dynamics CRM API Provider Setup.
    7. NetSuite CRM 2018 Release 1: Enter a unique Connection Name, choose an Authentication Type, enter a Sandbox name, email address and password, Account ID, and App ID, and then log on to NetSuite using your account credentials.
      For more information on how to obtain the API Key and Secret, see NetSuite 2018 CRM API Provider Setup.
  4. Choose Create.
    The new connection is added to the list of connections on the Connections screen.