Using Pagination in Stories

In View mode, pagination splits a canvas in multiple pages.

It is designed to display all the data of a widget, like a table for instance, and provide a reporting page-like browsing experience. In View mode, a dedicated toolbar lets you navigate the report from page to page and quickly access parts of the report that are of interest to you.

Pagination is only available in canvas pages.

If you’re designing the story in Edit mode and want to preview how the report is going to look like in paginated mode, try setting one or multiple widgets to resize automatically. In the Builder, check the Auto-size and page table vertically option. Note that the canvas generates as many pages necessary to display the whole content of these widgets. If a widget spreads across multiples pages, the application renders the data as you navigate through pages.

In both dynamic and fixed canvas, the pagination is generated in view time and duplicates the canvas with the defined size as many times as required to display all data. There is no overlap, and widgets that are set to be resized automatically are automatically collapsed.

Pagination is triggered every time it is required, if you’re editing a widget for instance and increase or decrease its size, expand or collapse a widget, add a filter, refresh the data…