Import Data Connection to SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors Cloud Storage Data Sources

You can create import data connections to several file-based data sources using SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors. Follow these steps to create a connection to data stored in a file-based cloud application.



If your SAP Analytics Cloud system is hosted on a data center located within China, this feature is not available.

To create connections to file-based data sources powered by Open Connectors, please integrate SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors with SAP Analytics Cloud first. For more information, see Integrate SAP Cloud Platform Open Connectors.

You may need to refer to the following documentation before creating the connection (see Step 3 below):

Data Source Additional Information
Amazon S3 For more information on how to obtain the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Bucket Name, and Region Endpoint, see Amazon S3 API Provider Setup.
Box For more information on the connection details, see Box API Provider Setup.
Dropbox For more information on how to obtain the API Key and Secret, see Dropbox API Provider Setup.
Egnyte For more information on how to obtain the Egnyte Subdomain, API Key, and Secret, see Egnyte API Provider Setup.
Microsoft OneDrive For more information on how to obtain the API Key and Secret, see Microsoft OneDrive API Provider Setup.
Two redirect URLs are needed:
  • One to Cloud Elements:
  • One to SAP Analytics Cloud, as mentioned at the beginning of step 3.
Microsoft OneDrive for Business For more information on how to obtain the API Key and Secret, see Microsoft OneDrive for Business API Provider Setup.
  • SharePoint and OneDrive for Business can share the application setup through the Microsoft Azure portal.
  • API permission requires Delegated permissions, SharePoint > MyFiles.Read.
Two redirect URLs are needed:
  • One to Cloud Elements:
  • One to SAP Analytics Cloud, as mentioned at the beginning of step 3.
SFTP Element For more information, see SFTP API Documentation.
SharePoint For more information on how to obtain the API Key and Secret, see SharePoint API Provider Setup.
  • SharePoint and OneDrive for Business can share the application setup through the Microsoft Azure portal.

The SharePoint user will need sufficient permissions for accessing the OAuth application; otherwise the message “An error occurred while retrieving the authentication code from SharePoint” may appear, or access_denied may appear in the redirected URL.

To check whether a user has the required permissions, paste this URL in a browser, replacing the variables with the information that was entered in the connection dialog:

https://<SharePoint Site Address>/_layouts/15/OAuthAuthorize.aspx?client_id=<OAuth API Key>&response_type=code&scope=<MS OAuth Scope>

If the SharePoint user doesn't have the required permissions, access_denied will appear in the URL.

One way to grant the required permissions is to assign the user the Admin role for the main SharePoint site, or assign Full Control for the team sites. Please consult with Microsoft if you need to fine tune the SharePoint user settings.


You can create a connection to import cloud storage data from the following file-based data sources:

  • Amazon S3
  • Box
  • Dropbox
  • Egnyte
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft OneDrive for Business
  • SFTP Element
  • SharePoint


  1. From the side navigation, choose Start of the navigation path Connections Next navigation step  (Add Connection)End of the navigation path.
    The Select a data source dialog will appear.
  2. From the categories filter, select Open Connectors and select a Cloud Storage data connection under Acquire Data (see the list of data sources above).
  3. Depending on the connection you selected, follow these steps:
    In the steps below, if you need to use a redirect URL, use the following URL instead of the ones shown in the screenshots:

    Or if your SAP Cloud Platform landscape is operating in European Union (EU) Access mode (for data protection within the EU), use

    1. Amazon S3: Enter a unique Connection Name and your Amazon Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Bucket Name, and Region Endpoint, and then log on to Amazon using your account credentials.
    2. Box: Enter a unique Connection Name, and the other required connection details, and then log on to Box using your account credentials.
    3. Dropbox: Enter a unique Connection Name, the Dropbox API Key, and the Dropbox API Secret, and then log on to Dropbox using your account credentials.
    4. Egnyte: Enter a unique Connection Name, The Egnyte Subdomain, OAuth API Key, and the OAuth API Secret, and then log on to Egnyte using your account credentials.
    5. Microsoft OneDrive: Enter a unique Connection Name, the OneDrive OAuth API Key, and the OneDrive OAuth API secret, and then sign in to Microsoft using your account credentials.
    6. Microsoft OneDrive for Business: Enter a unique Connection Name, OneDrive for Business Site Address, OAuth API Key, and the OAuth API Secret, and then log on to OneDrive for Business using your account credentials.
      For the site address, remove https://.


    7. SFTP Element: Enter a unique Connection Name, and then enter a user name, password, and host name.
    8. SharePoint: Enter a unique Connection Name, SharePoint Site Address, OAuth API Key, OAuth API Secret, MS OAuth Scope, and Use Scope, and then log on to SharePoint using your account credentials.
      • For the site address, remove https://.


        Primary corporate site:

        Team site:

      • The default value for MS OAuth Scope is AllSites.Manage.
      • The default value for Use Scope is true. Alternatively, the value can be set to false.
  4. Choose Create.
    The new connection is added to the list of connections on the Connections screen.