R Visualization

You use the R visualization widget to create and edit visualizations based on R scripts. By setting the relevant properties, you can change the size and style of the widget.

The R visualization widget is used in both stories and analytic applications. Only the properties specific for the analytics designer are listed here.


Property Value

Property Description



Defines the unique name of an R visualization. If you do not enter a name, the system takes the default name (for example RVisualization_1).

Quick Menus PropertiesThe toggle Visible in Runtime controls in general whether all the quick menu items are visible or not when you run an analytic application. After enabling this option, you can use the checkbox to define whether each of the properties below is visible or not.


Property Value

Property Description

Full Screen


Enabled by default. Allows application users to display a widget in full screen.

Create Story from Widget


Not enabled by default. If you enable the option as an application designer, the option will be available when application users click the icon next to the widget, which allows them to create a new story from the R visualization.

When creating an R visualization, you can’t use a model with either currency or currency conversion as input data.


R visualization widget of HTML content is not supported in Safari on Mac when third party cookie is not allowed in Safari.


For managed R server, now three more language strings are supported: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. To display these language strings, make sure you write extra R script like below:

Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "zh_CN.UTF-8")

Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "ja_JP.UTF-8")

Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "ko_KR.UTF-8")


Dynamic time range filter is not supported in a R visualization widget.

After adding an R script and displaying the running result as visualization on the main canvas, you can write scripts, for example, to customize the local data source, set input parameters as numbers or strings, get input parameter as numbers or strings and check if there's any error when executing R scripts. More detailed information about the API is available in SAP Help Portal at Analytics Designer API Reference.