Add Steps to Your Data Actions

In SAP Analytics Cloud you can add steps to your data actions that can be carried out on a planning model.

In this section, you will learn how to create the following data action steps:

Adding a Copy Step

In SAP Analytics Cloud, copy steps allow you to copy data from one set of members to another, specifying options for filters and aggregation.


For example, copy steps can be used in the following cases:

  • Quickly filling out future data for the model by copying data from the current time period to several future periods.

  • Copying data for a product in one region to another product in multiple regions.

Create a data action before adding a copy step to it.


When choosing members or measures for the copy step settings, you can use a parameter. Parameters let you create prompts, or update several values in your data action from one place. Hover over or select Parameter in the member selector to see which ones are available. To learn how to create parameters, see Add Parameters to Your Data Actions and Multi Actions.


  1. In the data action page, select (Add Copy Step).
  2. Type a Name and Description for the step.
  3. Filter the data that will be copied as required.
    1. Select Add Filter and choose the structure (that is, the dimension or measure) to filter.
    2. Select the members or measures whose data you want to include, or select Parameters and choose a parameter. Select OK.
      • The version dimension is only available in the Filter section of a copy step. You can filter it to set a fixed source version, for example, if you want to copy data from the forecast version to the target version. If you do not filter the version dimension, data will be copied within the target version only. (The TargetVersion parameter sets this version.)

      • The structures that you add as filters cannot be added to copy rules for the step.

    3. Continue adding filters on other structures as required. To remove a filter, select the icon beside it.
  4. In the Aggregate To area, add any dimension where you want to override the default disaggregation behavior.

    For dimensions that are not included in the Aggregate To area, the copied data will match the distribution of the source data by default. This behavior is similar to copying and pasting a cell with the Paste details option enabled. For more information, see Copying and Pasting Cell Values.

    For example, if you want to remove the distribution of data to different customers for privacy reasons, you can aggregate to the unassigned member of the customer dimension. In this case, all of the copied data is booked to the unassigned member.

    1. Select Add Dimension and choose a dimension from the list.
      The dimensions that you add to this list cannot be added in the Filters or Copy Rule sections of the step.
    2. Choose a single leaf member for this dimension that will receive the value copied during this data action step, or select Parameter and choose a parameter. Select OK.
    3. Repeat these steps to add aggregation members for other dimensions as necessary.
  5. Add copy rules to specify source and target members or measures for the copy step.

    Depending on the Filter and Aggregate To settings, you may not need to add copy rules. For example, if you want to copy the 2018 forecast to a target version, you only need to filter the step to the forecast version and 2018. If you want to copy the 2018 forecast to 2018 and 2019 in the target version, a copy rule is required.

    1. Select Add Copy Rule.
    2. For the new rule, choose a dimension or select Measures from the Measures/Dimension list.

      (For data actions based on classic account models, this list is called Dimension.)

    3. In the From column, select .
    4. Choose a source member or measure from the list, or select Parameter and choose a parameter. Select OK.

      This source data, filtered according to your settings, will be copied to the targets that you specify. The source distribution will also be copied for any dimensions that aren’t included in the Aggregate To section.

      You can select measures and accounts that are calculated or that use exception aggregation, but there are some limitations for these types of source values. See Copy Steps with Calculations and Exception Aggregation for more information.

    5. In the To column, select .
    6. Choose one or more leaf members or measures from the list, or select Parameter and choose a parameter. Select OK.

      The source value will be copied to each of these members.

      • If you're copying across measures, keep in mind the value range and number of decimal places for your source and target measures. If you're using a measure parameter for the source or target, it's recommended to specify the data types where possible. For details, see Limits on Value Ranges and Decimal Places for Measures.

      • For copy rules based on the date dimension, you can select one or more non-leaf members at the same hierarchy level as the source member (for example, Q1 to Q2, or 2018 to 2018 and 2019).

      For accounts that use exception aggregation, copying data along the exception aggregation dimension is supported.

    7. Select (Finish Editing) to complete the rule.

      If there are any problems with the rule, a warning icon appears next to it. Hover over the icon to see more information.

    8. To edit the rule, select (Edit). To delete it, select (Delete).
    9. Continue to add copy rules as required, by selecting Add Copy Rule, or by selecting (Duplicate) next to an existing copy rule.
  6. To switch between appending or overwriting data, select next to Options and choose a setting from the Write Mode list:
    • Append (default): The copied data will be added to any existing data for the target members.
    • Overwrite: Existing data for the target members will be overwritten by the copied data.
  7. Select Save Data Action.


The copy step is added to the data action. You can continue to add, manage, and reorder steps as required.

Adding a Cross-Model Copy Step

With a cross-model copy step in SAP Analytics Cloud, you can copy data from one planning model to another. You pick the model and version that contains the source data, add filters as necessary, and define how to copy the data to the target model.


For example, if you have detailed workforce data in a Headcount planning model and you want to add some of the data to a Finance model for further analysis, you can use this feature to quickly copy the data.

Copying across models is easiest when the relevant dimensions are public dimensions shared by each model, but it's not required. You can ignore source dimensions that aren't relevant to the target model, and set default values for target dimensions that can't be mapped to an appropriate source.

If any problems occur while you're creating a cross-model copy step, they are identified by the icon. Hover over this icon to see how to fix the problem.

Before getting started on a cross-model copy step, you need to create a data action. For more information, see Create a Data Action.


Cross-model copy steps can’t copy data between different types of models. If you need to copy data between a classic account model and a model with measures, use the LINK function in an advanced formulas step instead. For details, see About Script Formulas and Calculations in Advanced Formulas for Planning.

When choosing members for the cross-model copy step settings, you can use a parameter instead of dimension members. Parameters let you create prompts, or update several values from one place. Select Parameter in the member selector to see which ones are available. To learn how to create parameters, see Add Parameters to Your Data Actions and Multi Actions.


  1. In the data action page, select  (Add Cross-Model Copy Step).
  2. Type a Name and Description for the step.
  3. From the Source Model list, choose the model that contains the data that you want to copy.

    The Target Model is the default model for the data action; it can't be changed here.

  4. In the Filter section, select the version dimension to pick the version of the source data that you want to copy. You can also select Parameter to apply a parameter. This filter is mandatory.

    The target version for the data action is set by the TargetVersion parameter.

  5. If you want to add additional filters, select +Add Filter and choose a dimension. Then, select the members whose data you want to include, or select Parameter and choose a parameter.

    For example, to copy data for a single cost center in 2018, you would filter the Cost Center and Date dimensions.

    To remove a filter, select the  icon beside it.

    When you create mappings between source and target members, you won't need to map the members that are filtered out.


    You can filter based on a dynamic parameter. If the parameter has default values, you only need to map those ones to finish creating your step. However, if you want to make sure that the data action will run with any parameter values, you should complete the mapping.

  6. In the Mapping area, set how the data will be mapped from the source model to the dimension members of the target model.

    For each of the target dimensions listed in this area, you need to either map a source dimension or select a default value. You don't need to map source dimensions that aren't relevant for the target model. For example, you might choose not to map Gender or Office Location from the Headcount model to the Finance model.

    • Set a default value for target dimensions when you don't have an appropriate source dimension to map to them, or when you want to copy all the data to a single leaf member of the target dimension instead of splitting it up according to one of the source dimensions.

      For example, if you are mapping data from a model that doesn't use currency conversion to a model that does use currency conversion, you can select the currency of the source model as the default value for the Currency dimension of the target model.

      To set a default value for a target dimension, remove any mapped dimension and choose Select default value…, and then choose a single leaf member of the dimension, or apply a parameter.

    • Map a source dimension to a target dimension when you want to distribute the data across different members of the target dimension.

      The account dimensions are automatically mapped together, and can't be unmapped. The Date dimensions used for planning are also mapped. If you want to map a leaf member of a date dimension as a default value, or map a different Date dimension, you can select (Delete) next to the source dimension.

      Drag a source dimension to a target dimension to map them together. Members with identical names are automatically mapped together, and the bar under the source dimension name shows how many of its members have been mapped.

      Hidden accounts are not mapped automatically.

  7. Select the name of a mapped source dimension to configure the mapping.
    1. If you're mapping a target Date dimension, choose an Auto-Creation Strategy.
      • No Auto-Creation: No auto-mapping is defined and dimension members must be manually mapped by creating copy rules.

      • Corresponding Members: This option is available if the source dimension has an equal or finer granularity than the target dimension. For example, January 2020 to 2020.

      • From source member to first/last target member: These options are available if the source dimension has a coarser granularity than the target dimension. For example, 2021 to January 2021.

    2. Set the Completion Options:
      • Manual: Use this setting when you want to create your own copy rules for the unmapped source dimension members.

      • Fixed Value: Use this setting to specify a default target member or parameter for any unmapped source members. For example, you may want to copy all unmapped data to the Unassigned member. In this case, you can still add your own copy rules, but they don't need to include every source member.

      • Ignore: Use this setting to filter out the unmapped source members. Their data won’t be included in the cross-model copy step.

    3. Add copy rules by selecting either +Add Copy Rule, or selecting (Add Rule) next to an unmapped source member in the list.

      You may need to select and search for member names if the dimension contains many members. You can also select to change the display settings and hierarchy shown for the unmapped source members.

    4. If necessary, select in the From column and choose a single source member. It doesn't need to be a leaf member, and you can pick a member that was mapped automatically to copy its data to a different target instead. You can also use a parameter to set the source member.
      You can choose calculated accounts or accounts with exception aggregation as source members, but the data action may take longer to execute. For fastest performance, filter out these accounts instead. For more information, see Copy Steps with Calculations and Exception Aggregation.
    5. Select in the To column and choose one or more target leaf members, or use a parameter.

      You can't pick calculated members as targets.

      If you pick multiple targets, the value of the source member is copied to each target.

      You can also aggregate data from multiple source members together in a single target member by using the target member in multiple copy rules.

    6. Select to complete the rule.
    7. To edit the rule, select  (Edit). To delete it, select (Delete).
    8. Continue to add copy rules as required. You can add rules in the following ways:
      • Selecting +Add Copy Rule.

      • Selecting (Add Rule) next to a source member.

      • Selecting  (Duplicate) next to an existing copy rule.

      If you're using the Manual completion option, you must create copy rules that account for all the listed source dimension members. Note that the list does not include members that you filtered out of the cross-model copy step, so you can also change the filters to remove the remaining members.

      You also don't need to complete the mapping for the Date dimension. For example, if the source and target models have different start or end dates, you can still run the data action without completing the mapping manually. The unmatched time periods will be ignored.

    9. When you have finished configuring the mapping, select Done to return to the cross-model copy step.
  8. Continue mapping data to each target dimension. The icon appears on every target dimension that has an incomplete mapping, and you can hover over this icon to see how to complete the mapping.
  9. To switch between appending or overwriting data, select next to Options and choose a setting from the Write Mode list:
    • Append (default): The copied data will be added to any existing data for the target members.
    • Overwrite: Existing data for the target members will be overwritten by the copied data.
  10. Select Save Data Action.


The copy step is added to the data action. You can continue to add, manage, and reorder steps as required.

Adding an Allocation Step

In SAP Analytics Cloud, you can add an allocation step to run structured allocations as part of your data action.


Set up the base allocation step that you want to use before adding it to a data action. To learn how, see Set Up Your First Allocation Process. You can only add steps that are based on the default model of your data action.


Allocation steps let you distribute values for members of a source dimension along members of a target dimension, using driver values or direct assignment. For more information, see Learn About Allocations.


  1. In the data action page, select (Add Allocation Step).
  2. Type a Name and Description for the step.
  3. If you want to filter the data to exclude some members from the allocation step, create filters by selecting +Add Filter. You can filter using members, or parameters.

    (Unlike allocation processes, data actions don't offer the option to apply filters when you run them. You can filter the allocation step here instead.)

    You can't filter the account dimension here, but you can apply an account filter to the base allocation step. When you pick an allocation step with an account filter, the filter appears in this list.
  4. Choose the allocation step from the list.

    Only steps that are based on the same model as the data source appear here.

  5. Select (Save Data Action).


The allocation step is added to the data action. You can continue to add, manage, and reorder steps as required.

Adding an Embedded Data Action Step

Use an embedded data action step in SAP Analytics Cloud to run another data action as part of the one you’re working on. Combining these steps with dynamic parameters lets you reuse data actions and set different source or target members.


Before carrying out these steps, set up the data action that you want to embed. Create dynamic parameters for any numbers or dimension members that you want to change when embedding the data action.

Both data actions must be based on the same default model.


An embedded data action step is a reference to another data action. The data action that you embed won’t be changed as part of this process, and you can still edit it or run it on its own.

You might have a step that you need to run in several different data actions, or that you want to run several times in a single data action. For example, you might create a data action that calculates subscription revenue based on booking data, with a dynamic parameter for the product type.

Using embedded data action steps, you can reuse that data action multiple times in another data action. And you can specify a different product type each time.

With this setup, you don’t need to copy and edit the revenue calculation step multiple times, and you can still run all the calculations with a single data action.

You can arrange embedded data action steps in several ways:

  • Embedding a data action within multiple different data actions

  • Embedding a data action multiple times within one data action

  • Nesting multiple levels of embedded data actions

However, you can’t create a loop where a data action ends up embedded within itself.


You can also nest multiple data actions as steps in a multi action. In particular, this is helpful if you need to run data actions on different versions or models, and if you need to publish data in between different data actions. For more information, refer to Automate a Planning Workflow Using Multi Actions.


  1. In the data action page, select  (Add Embedded Data Action Step).
  2. From the Data Action Name list, select the data action that you want to embed.

    Only data actions based on the same default model will show up in this list.

  3. If you need to, change the Name and Description for the step.
  4. If the embedded data action has dynamic parameters, you can set values for them here.

    This way, you can set a different fixed value each time you reuse the data action. Or you can assign another parameter from the container data action.

    • The embedded data action will run on the same version, so you don’t need to set the default Target Version parameter.

    • For member parameters, specify a fixed member or use a parameter within the container data action. (You can select to pick a member or parameter, or just type the ID or description to search. A list of results appears as you type.)

      If you want to use a parameter, make sure that it has the correct settings. You can find these by selecting and hovering over or selecting Parameter.

    • For number parameters, type a number or choose a number parameter from the container data action.

    • If the parameter has a default value set in the embedded data action, you can select the icon to use that value.

  5. Check for validation messages and then save your data action.


When you run the data action that contains this step, the embedded data action will run as part of it.

Copy Steps with Calculations and Exception Aggregation

For copy steps and cross-model copy steps in SAP Analytics Cloud, source members for copy rules can be accounts and measures that are calculated or that use exception aggregation. Take note of these considerations, though.

  • You can’t add one of these accounts as a source member for a copy rule if any of its ascendants or descendants in the hierarchy are also source members.

  • You can’t select source members from different hierarchies of the same dimension.

  • For cross-model copy steps, if the dimension has parent-child hierarchies, you must choose source members from the same hierarchy used to filter that dimension in the data action. If you haven’t filtered the dimension, you must use the default hierarchy.

  • The data action may take longer to execute.

If one of these problems occurs, a message will identify the cause of the problem.

These limitations don’t apply to accounts or measures with exception aggregation when you configure copy rules so that the data does not need to be aggregated. To do this, create a copy rule for each leaf member of the exception aggregation dimension, instead of using a default value or non-leaf source members.