Creating a New Analytic Application

You can create a new analytic application in a series of short steps.


  1. To create an analytic application, do one of the following:
    • From the () Main Menu, select Start of the navigation path Create Next navigation step  Analytic ApplicationEnd of the navigation path.
    • From the () Main Menu, select Start of the navigation path Browse Next navigation step  FilesEnd of the navigation path.

      From the Files page, select Start of the navigation path Create Next navigation step  Analytic ApplicationEnd of the navigation path.

  2. Choose whether you want to place the widget on the canvas or in the opups area in the Layout tree of the Outline. If you want to place it in the popup area, select (Add Popup).
  3. Choose how you want to visualize your data in the application: You can use charts and/or tables.
    • Select Start of the navigation pathInsert Next navigation step  (Table)End of the navigation path from the toolbar to add a table on an existing model. In the Selct Data Source dialog box you can choose whether you want to add a table based on an existing model or on no model. You can choose an existing model in the dropdown Select an Existing Modell or just type in the name of a model.
      • You can choose an existing model in the dropdown Select an Existing Model or just type in the name of a model. The table is displayed with the corresponding data.

      • If you choose No Model the table is displayed empty. You can add a data source at a later point in time.


      Once you have chosen an existing model, it will be used as primary default model whenever you add another table or chart to the analytic application. You can change this data source by choosing (Change primary model) in the Builder panel.

    • Select Start of the navigation pathInsert Next navigation step  (Chart)End of the navigation path from the toolbar to add a chart on an existing model.
  4. Add more widgets to your analytic application if needed, for example a dropdown, a filter line, an image, text, or button by clicking on the button in the Insert menu and choosing a widget.

    You can change the style of every widget in the Styling panel by clicking in the canvas right next to the widget on Start of the navigation path More Actions Next navigation step  Edit StylingEnd of the navigation path.

  5. Add scripts to your widgets if you want to enable user interaction with the UI elements at runtime and a custom-specific behavior:
    1. In the Layout tree hover over the widget name.

    2. Click on the button. If the widget supports multiple events, select one of the events and click on the button.

      You can also use the button in the quick action menu of each widget you have placed in your application.

      A new tab is automatically created in the script editor, where you can add scripts for the widget.

    3. Close the tab by clicking on the button at the right of the tab.

  6. Select (Save) to save your analytic application.
    1. Specify the analytic application's path – you can save to your private files or to a public path.


      A public analytic application is visible to all users. A private analytic application is visible to its creator and the users they have chosen to share it with.

    2. Provide a unique name for your analytic application.


      Valid characters are alphanumeric characters and underscores. Spaces can be included but not at the start or end of a name.

    3. Provide an optional description.

    Whenever you change your analytic application, you have to save your changes first to see them at runtime.

  7. Click on Run Analytic Application in the upper right corner of the Web browser window. The application opens in another Web browser window.