Displaying Currencies in Tables
When you have data from multiple currencies, you can change the currencies that are displayed by working with either the Cross Calculations dimension, or the currency dimension for the model.
If your model has currency conversion enabled, data from different currencies can be converted and aggregated into one or more target currencies, or it can be displayed in its source currencies.
You can use the Cross Calculations dimension to create conversions to different currencies using rates specified in the model's currency conversion table, and choose which ones to display. You can display a single member of this dimension when it's not added to the table, or add it to the table to display multiple members.
Default Currency: The default currency set up for the model, converted using the applicable rates from the model's currency table.
- Source currencies: The unconverted data from different members of the model’s currency dimension. The name of this calculation reflects the header of the Currency column in that dimension.
Currency conversions created in the Calculation Editor: These conversions allow control over which currency is displayed and the rates from the currency table that are applied.
If you choose to display the default currency or a currency conversion, values for all public versions will be displayed in the selected currency.
When the Cross Calculations dimension is added to the rows or columns of a table, you can display multiple currency conversions by selecting them in the calculations filter. If you want to add a conversion that is not in the Available Members list for the calculations filter, use the Calculation Editor to add the conversion. See Adding a Currency Conversion Row or Column for details.
For each target currency that you select, all versions in the grid display a new Cross Calculations member for the selected currency. The number of target currencies that can be selected at one time is determined by the Maximum Currency Conversion Limit setting in the Model Preferences. For models created in the current version of the software, the default limit is four.
If the currency table does not contain rates for all of the conversions in your table, a message appears noting that rates are missing. If you have the appropriate permissions to edit or view the currency table, you can select Add Missing Rates to open the currency table. The Add Missing Rates panel will show the information for the rates that need to be added for a given currency.
You can also add the source currency to the selected members for the Cross Calculations filter to show the unconverted source currency data. Multiple currencies can be displayed for this member, but data for two or more members is only aggregated when it belongs to the same currency.
Some parent members of the currency dimension may have child members booked with values in several different currencies. In this case, the cell for their parent member shows a diagonal line instead of a value. Because its children have different units, this type of cell does not show the aggregation of its children, and you cannot book data to it.
For example, if the organization dimension is set as the model’s currency dimension and you choose to display sales for the EMEA region in local currencies, values for the United Kingdom would display in Pounds, values for Germany would display in Euros, and no values would be shown for the EMEA member when both child members have booked values. However, if the children of the EMEA member only show booked values in Euros, for example, Germany and France, the EMEA member shows their aggregated value. If a currency conversion to Euros is available, you could also add it to the table to simultaneously display values in Euros for the Germany, UK, and EMEA members.
For models that have source data from multiple currencies but that do not have currency conversion enabled, data can be displayed in the separate source currencies, but it cannot be converted into a target currency. Data will only be aggregated if it belongs to the same source currency.
This functionality is similar to displaying source currencies for a model with currency conversion enabled, and the same restrictions for planning operations apply. For more information, see Planning with Currency Conversion.