Using the Analytics Designer Debug Mode

The analytics designer debug mode lets you set automatic breakpoints by using a specific statement, and it generates your script comments into the transformed JavaScript displayed in the Web browser's development tools.

Launching the Debug Mode
You activate the debug mode by adding the URL parameter debug=true to your analytic application.

If the debug parameter receives a different value than true or no value at all, it's ignored and the debug mode isn't enabled.

A valid URL of an analytic application at runtime with enabled debug mode looks like this: http://<HOST>:<PORT>/sap/fpa/ui/app.html?tenant=<TENANT_NAME>#;mode=present;view_id=appBuilding;appId=<APPLICATION_ID>;debug=true


The names of the scripts are generated differently when the analytic application runs in debug mode. In debug mode, all script names receive the suffix -dbg. For example: Button_1.onClick-dbg.js

Using the debugger; Statement in Your Scripts

In debug mode, you can use the debugger; statement in your scripts.

This statement emulates the creation of a breakpoint in your script. You don't have to explicitly set a breakpoint in a script that needs to be debugged, but the script will automatically halt its execution as soon as the debugger; statement in your script is interpreted.

This lets you check at design time the points at which your script needs to be paused during runtime.


You add the debugger; statement to your script at design time.

When you run your analytic application in debug mode, the script will automatically stop its execution at the debugger; statement.

Viewing Your Comments in Your Scripts

In debug mode, your script comments are generated into the transformed JavaScript. This helps you recognize your scripts in the Web browser's development tools.