Smart Discovery Key Influencers

The Key Influencers page lists (ranked from highest to lowest) up to 10 dimensions and measures that significantly impact your target in relation to your entity.

For every listed influencer, there are specific charts displayed to show the relationship between the influencer and your target in relation to your entity. A summary provides an overview of what the visualizations are telling you about the key influencers. If any of your columns are highly correlated with your target in relation to your entity, they're also highlighted in the summary. Highly correlated columns are removed from the analysis, so that other columns can be used. Removing highly correlated columns improves the overall quality of the Smart Discovery results. The quality of the Smart Discovery results are assessed by the underlying machine learning model. Each chart has an insight quality checkbox that indicates that the quality of the Smart Discovery results is good. If the underlying machine learning model analysis indicates low confidence in the analysis quality, you're also alerted in the chart. This page doesn't display if the insight quality is considered to be too low.

Number of <Dimension>

We aggregate all the relevant measures and dimensions to the level of the entity. If one of your dimensions has several values for one entity, we count the number of dimension members of each entity. We rename these types of dimensions as Number of <Dimension>, where <Dimension> is the original name in your dataset.