Currency Conversion (Specifics for SAP BW)

Convert the same currency or mixed currency values to another currency.


To use the currency conversion during query run time execution, your SAP BW system as well as the query you want to use need to support the conversion. To be able to Select Conversions, you need measures with currency values.


You created a story with a table, chart or both containing measures with currency values.


  1. Add a chart or table based on a SAP BW remote connection.
  2. Select the table or chart you want to convert the currency of, click the (More Actions) icon, and choose Select Conversions. You can do this in every mode, including the Edit mode.
  3. In the Select Conversions pop-up, you can change the Target Currency from the list.
  4. Choose the corresponding Currency Conversion Type from the drop-down list.

  1. Click OK to confirm your selection.


The values are calculated and converted to the selected currency.

You can convert the currencies back to the original one the same way that is described above.

When you save the story, the currencies you converted are persisted.


If you want to have a quick access to your currency conversion table, you can pin the widget to your home screen. Click (More Actions) icon and select Pin to Home within the story. For the table, you can view and change the currency from the home screen.