Using Thresholds in Tables

Add thresholds to tables and choose how to display the threshold values.

You can add thresholds to measures in tables, including calculated and restricted measures. You can also add thresholds to calculated rows and columns.

Thresholds for calculated rows or columns use number ranges only; they cannot be compared to measure values.

To make it easier to find the threshold values, you can change the font color or the cell background.

With your table selected, open Builder, choose a measure, select Start of the navigation path (More) Next navigation step  ThresholdsEnd of the navigation path, and then choose one of the following options.


You can also create or change thresholds from your table. Select a measure in the table, right-click and select Thresholds, and then select either New Threshold or Edit Ranges.



New Threshold

Follow the steps for creating a story-defined threshold (Creating Story-Defined Thresholds).

Show Thresholds

Shows all the valid assigned threshold values in the table cells.

Edit Ranges

Allows you to edit the threshold ranges for the selected threshold.

View All Thresholds

Opens the Conditional Formatting panel to display all thresholds.

Assigning Thresholds to Measures

If the thresholds are not visible, select the measure, select Start of the navigation path Thresholds Next navigation step Story DefinedEnd of the navigation path, and then select the appropriate threshold.

Changing How Threshold Values Are Displayed
Use the following process to change how the threshold values are displayed:
  1. Select the table tile.
  2. In the Styling panel, find the Templates section.
  3. In the Threshold Style list, choose the style:
    • Symbol (default) – use the story-defined symbols and colors for the threshold ranges.
    • Color Values – the threshold colors are applied to the cell data.
    • Color Background – the threshold colors are applied to the cell background.
    • Color Background Without Values – the threshold colors are applied to the cell background and the values are hidden.

The table cells automatically change to reflect the new style choice.