
You use the text widget to add user-defined text to your analytic application. By setting the relevant properties, you can change the style and size of the text.

The text widget is used in both stories and analytic applications. Only the properties specific for the analytics designer are listed here.


Property Value

Property Description



Defines the unique name of a text. If you do not enter a name, the system takes the default name (for example Text_1).

Define Script Variables as a Source of Dynamic Text

As in a story, you can add dynamic text to a text widget to automatically update the text based on the values from the source input control or filter. In addition, the application designer can also define a script variable as the source of dynamic text.

Follow the steps below to define script variables for a dynamic text:

  1. Select a text widget in your analytic application.

  2. From the More Actions menu, select Dynamic Text.

  3. In the Insert Dynamic Text dialog, choose Script Variables from the left-side panel and select the checkbox for the variables you want to use as the source for your dynamic text.

    Only variables of string, number, or integer types can be used. Variables set as array are not supported.
  4. After you complete the script and run the analytic application, the global variables will change according to the customized scripts and their values are automatically updated in the text widget.