Checking the Reference List

A reference list can help you quickly check out where and how an element, such as a widget, script variable or a pop-up function is used.


After opening the reference list of an element, the information panel will display all the related elements referencing it. This is especially helpful when you want to better understand the business logic of an application or want to change or delete a specific element in a complex analytic application.


  1. Hover the mouse over the name of the element (for example: Button_1) that you want to check its usage.

    An button is displayed right next to the element's name.

  2. Click on the button and choose Find Reference.

    The information panel is opened at the button of the page showing the reference list of the element.

  3. In the Reference List page, click any of the referencing element to highlight that element in the Main Canvas; and click any script to directly go to the specific script.
  4. To expand or collapse all the components in the Reference List, click the button to the upper right corner of the Info Panel.
  5. After finishing checking the reference list, click the button (Info Panel) to hide or reopen the reference list.