Modifying a Table
You can change the default design of a table in the Builder tab.
The following sections are displayed in the Builder tab.

(Swap Axis) to swap rows and columns.
Table Properties
Responsive / flexible column width: Automatically resizes the columns when you resize the table. On a Responsive page, the columns can be aligned with columns of other tables in the same lane.
Arrange Totals / Parents Nodes Below: Moves totals to the bottom of the table. If you use a hierarchical model, when this option is selected, all child nodes will appear above the totals.
Rows and Columns
All dimensions and measures used to create the table are displayed in this area. You can add additional dimensions to rows and columns.
When you hover over a dimension, you can select
(Filter) to add or modify filters.
To make other modifications to the dimension, select
(More) and then select one of the following options:
Hierarchy: Choose a different hierarchy to display for the dimension. For example, you can choose to display different periods for the Date dimension. You can also select Flat presentation to flatten the hierarchy of a dimension. (This option is not valid for an Account dimension.)
To only show the leaf members of the hierarchy, turn on the Show only leaves in widget switch. For example, you can use this option while planning, if you want to enter data only at the leaf level of the dimension.
Display Options: Show the member description, ID, or both the ID and description.
Properties: Select multiple properties to display in the table, including ID and Description in separate columns or rows.
Unbooked Data: Show or hide unbooked data. When unbooked data is hidden, only cells in the grid that contain data are visible.
- Zero Suppression: Show or hide zero and null values in a table. For more information, see the chapter called Hiding Zero and Booked Null Values in a Table.
Show Totals: Show the sum of the dimension values.
NoteFor hierarchical dimensions, the total is added to the top-level node only. The total does not change when you drill into the hierarchy.
Create Top N will not change the total either, as it applies to all the data, not just the top values.
- Rename: Provide a customized description for a dimension in your
table rather than using the default value.RememberThe name you use for a dimension appears in the story, but does not change the name in the model.Note
If you use R scripts, they will not be automatically updated with the new name. You will need to manually change the dimension name in your script.
You can also use the table to show unbooked data and totals (or visible properties), even when you don't have edit privileges.

Properties: In the dialog, select the properties to show.
All filters that have been applied to the table are listed in the
Filters section of the tab, and in the table subtitle. If
the underlying model is using categories and periods in the Date dimension, these
are visible in the filters list and cannot be removed. Filters that have been
manually applied can be removed by choosing the (Cancel) icon beside the filter
and more filters can be added here by selecting the Add
Filters text at the bottom of the list.
Filters are normally applied as restrictive filters (so that only the selected members are visible) but they can also be applied exclusively by selecting the Exclude selected members checkbox when you select the members; in this case, all members are included in the table except the selected items.

If you add a dimension that contains a large number of members, a filter to
restrict the number of members added to the table may be automatically
applied. You can manually remove an automatically generated filter using the
(Cancel) icon beside the
filter. You can also edit the filter and save modifications.
You can also hide rows or columns of table data without filtering the table.
To hide a row or column, right-click the column or row headers that you want to hide and
Hide row/Hide column.
You can select multiple members from within each dimension (for example, 2018 and 2019), and across different dimensions on the rows or columns (for example, Net Revenue for Laptops and Desktops).
The selected rows or columns are removed from the table view, but the data is not filtered out. The values of the remaining table cells are not affected, and any visible children of the selected members will remain in the table.
To add all hidden rows or columns back to the table, hover over
Hidden beneath the table title and select . To
restore individual rows or columns, select Hidden and choose
next to a member or combination of members.
A number of options are available for applying filters on the Date dimension:
- Filter by member This option is essentially the same as the standard filter with checkboxes to select or exclude individual members of the hierarchy.
Filter by range Using this option, you can define time periods based on years, half-years, quarters, months, weeks, or days (depending on the time granularity defined in the underlying model) and apply the date range as a filter, so that only details in the selected time period are visible. It is also possible to define multiple range time filters and apply these together. You could use this for example, to compare the first two months of the year over a three year period by defining three separate ranges for months Jan–Feb for each of the three years. When these ranges are applied as a single filter, everything else except the selected periods is filtered out.
Ranges can be fixed or dynamic; for example, you could choose the fixed range January 2017 to December 2017. If this story is opened in 2018, the story will still show 2017 data. For dynamic date ranges, in addition to the above granularities, these granularities are also available: current year, current quarter, and current month. For more information, see Story and Page Filters.
View Mode
Enable Explorer Select which attributes to display – select whether to enable the Explorer to be launched directly from the tile when in View mode.
If you want to restrict the number of measures and dimensions that are visible in the Explorer, select Configure Measures & Dimensions. Note that all measures and dimensions that are currently in the chart are automatically included and can’t be removed. Also, if you don’t specify any additional dimensions or measures, then only the ones used in the chart are available in the Explorer.
Planning enabled
Allows table cells to be edited. When not selected, the entire table is set to read-only.
Select sorting options for when your story is used in the SAP Digital Boardroom.
Boardroom Keypad Slider
This option is available if you have the SAP Digital Boardroom add on.
You can show or hide the keypad slider.
Under slider options you can change the minimum value, maximum value, and step size.