Setting up Default Aggregation Type for Measures in Datasets

Define the default aggregation type of a measure so that you don't have to create new calculations every time you want to aggregate a measure in your story.

By default, in the Dataset Overview panel, all measures have an aggregation type of SUM. However, you can change the default behavior either in the Dataset Overview panel, or the Measure Details panel:
  • In the Dataset Overview panel, find the measure token and click . Then, select Aggregation Type from the dropdown list and select the aggregation type you need.
  • Click to open the Measure Details panel and under Measure Properties, select the relevant aggregation type.
You can select only:
Type Description
SUM Adds all values together.
COUNT Counts all the entries.
NONE If the value types of numerical data cells are different, aggregation may not be possible. In this case, set the aggregation type to NONE. For example: Price information or cells containing different currencies.

In tables in stories, cells that have not been aggregated are shown with a diagonal line drawn through them. The cell will be either empty, or, if all child values for a node in the hierarchy are the same, this single value is shown at the node level.

MIN Displays the minimum value.
MAX Displays the maximum value.