Using the Value Help in the Script Editor

You can use different value help dialog boxes depending on the context in which you're working in the script editor.


setVariableValue, for tables and charts, and addMeasure, for charts, only support single variable values. That's why the member selector also allows only single selection.

Value Help Dialog for Measures
To get measure metadata in the script editor, press CTRL + SPACE .

This value help dialog is only available for the chart function chart.addmeasure().

Value Help Dialog for Measures
The member selector for metadata is displayed like this:
Member Selector for Metadata
The result of metadata selection is displayed like this in the script editor:
Selection Result displayed in the Script Editor
Value Help Dialog for Variable Values

To get metadata for variable values, press CTRL + Space . If you are working with a dimension variable, you can open the member selector; otherwise you can only add or show the variable values in the code completion list.

Dimension Variable Cases
The member selector for dimension variables is displayed like this:
Dimension Variable: Member Selector
The selection result is displayed like this:
Dimension Variable: Selection Result in Script Editor
If you work with a variable that is not a dimension, the value help is displayed in the following way:
None Dimension Variable
And the selection result in the script editor looks like this:
Selection Result for None Dimension Variable in Script Editor