Responsive Pages

Responsive pages let you create lanes to section the page content into groups.

By default, a responsive page starts with two lanes and you can add tiles (widgets) to either lane. Tiles within a lane stay together when the responsive page is resized.

For information on responsive lanes, see Responsive Lanes.

Previewing responsive pages on different devices

You can preview a responsive page to see how it looks on different screen sizes and device types. To preview a responsive page, from the story toolbar, select (Device Preview). From the preview screen, you can change the device or size to see how your page looks on a particular device or screen size. In some cases, tiles resize and flow to fit smaller resolution screens when space becomes limited.


The preview screen shows an approximation of how the tiles will appear, but it won't be an exact match to how the tiles actually appear on a specific mobile device.

Because text fonts can appear too small or too large on different screen sizes, you can set the font size for each screen size:

  1. From the preview screen, select a Device and a Size.
  2. Switch to Designer mode and do one of the following:
    • Select the page: this will change the font size for any tiles that have not already had their fonts changed.

      On the Styling tab, use the slider to choose an appropriate Font Scale, or type in the percentage. (If you use the slider, the change takes effect after you release the slider.)

    • Select the widget whose text you want to resize.

      On the Styling tab, use the Text Selection list to choose which text in the widget you want to resize, and then use the slider to choose an appropriate Font Scale