Smart Discovery Simulation

The simulation view helps you understand how changing the values of your key influencers could have an impact on the value of your target measure in relation to your entity.

You can discover how changing the values of one or more of your key influencers could have an impact on the value of your target in relation to your entity. Simply specify a new value for one or more of your key influencers, and choose the Simulate button. The Simulate button is enabled only when you change one of your influencer values.

The underlying machine learning model assesses the quality of the Smart Discovery results. Each chart has an insight quality checkbox indicating when the quality of the analysis is good. If the underlying machine learning model analysis indicates low confidence in the quality of the Smart Discovery results, you’re also alerted in the chart.

To change a key influencer value and simulate the impact on your target in relation to your entity, use either the displayed slider or dropdown to specify a new value. Use the slider or input a number, if the influencer is a measure. Use the dropdown to select a different value, if the influencer is a dimension.

When you select the Simulate button, the effect of your changes is reflected in the target numeric point chart. Potential changes include:
  • the value of the Target for Entity column increases, decreases, or stays the same

  • the percentage increase or decrease is displayed

  • a textual insight that offers a brief description of the positive or negative influence one or more of your influencer value changes. The level of impact is described in one of these ways:
    • strongly negative

    • weakly negative

    • negative

    • neutral

    • weakly positive

    • positive

    • strongly positive

Expected Gross Margin is €0.14 Million, positively influenced mainly by Discount [252.29 K] + Product [Orange Juice].
  • Simulations are available only for discoveries with measures as targets.

  • The simulation view isn't supported on Mobile.

  • The formulation of the currency in the numeric point chart depends on the Currency Position profile settings selected by the user from the home page in SAP Analytics Cloud.