Adding Calculated Rows and Columns in a Table
You can add a calculated member to any dimension in a table by inserting a blank row or column next to an existing dimension member, and typing a formula.
While you can still create calculated members based on the Account or Cross Calculations dimensions using the Calculation Editor, creating calculated rows and columns can provide more flexibility. For example, you don't really need to create a restricted measure to calculate the variance between an Actual and a Budget version.
Repeating: uses one dimension member and the calculation appears wherever that dimension member appears.
Single: uses multiple dimensions in the calculation and appears only once.
To calculate the difference between a Budget and Actuals version, you can add a calculated column based on the Version dimension:-
Right-click the column header of the Budget version and select
Add column.
- To name the new column, select the header, type Variance, and press Enter.
- Select the Variance cell again and type the formula. Use the cell coordinates of the Budget and Actuals column headers, or select each column to create references. For example, =C2-B2. Press Enter.

The new column shows the difference between the Budget and Actual version for each account. You can also perform this calculation using restricted measures based on the Cross Calculations dimension.