Public and Private Dimensions

Public dimensions can be shared between models, while private dimensions exist only in the current model.

When creating dimensions, you may want to define some dimensions as public so that they're available to other models, and define other dimensions as private so that they remain local to the model you're working on.

Public Dimensions

Public dimensions are saved separately from models. They appear in the Public Dimensions list, which you can access from the main menu: Start of the navigation path (Main Menu) Next navigation step  Browse Next navigation step  DimensionsEnd of the navigation path. When you create a new model or modify an existing model, you can add these public dimensions. Because public dimensions are not saved with the model, they are instead referenced by models.

Typically, you would define dimensions as public when the dimensions are likely to be reused by others in your organization; for example, Country, Product, and Organizational Unit. Conversely, a dimension such as Account_1234 might not be used by others and could be defined as a private dimension.

Public dimensions have the following characteristics:

  • Can be used in multiple models.
  • Require a global unique name.
  • Are not deleted when a model is deleted.
  • Are not copied with the model, if a model is copied.
  • Are shown with a globe icon.
Private Dimensions

Private dimensions are saved with the model, and don't appear in the Public Dimensions list. When you delete a model, private dimensions in that model are also deleted, but the public dimensions are not.

Private dimensions have the following characteristics:

  • Cannot be used in other models.
  • Don't require a global unique name; private dimensions can therefore have simple names like Account, Time, Version, and Organizational Unit.
  • Are deleted when the model is deleted.
  • Are copied along with the model, if the model is copied.
The version or category dimension is a private dimension, and can't be shared across models.
Creating Dimensions

When you create dimensions while importing data, they are created as private dimensions. For example:

  • Models created from a file.
  • Models created from an app, or from BW, ERP, Universe, or other databases.

When you create a blank model, or create new dimensions in an existing model, you can choose whether the dimensions are private or public.