
You'll find all important terms and definitions here.

Terms and Definitions
Term Definition Category

A special dimension that encapsulates the definition of accounts and drivers. The account is the main focus of a planning-type model.

A member of the Accounts dimension; an account is a measure, such as revenue or headcount (preferred term: member).

  • Data Models
  • Planning

A data category that contains actual values.

There can be only one public actuals version.

  • Data Models
  • Stories

A traditional boardroom meeting structure.

Use a Digital Boardroom agenda for meetings with a timed schedule, where items are presented in a linear order (possibly by different people).

Digital Boardroom
agenda item

An item in a Digital Boardroom agenda containing one or more topics and story pages associated with it.

Agenda items allow you to organize a boardroom presentation for different presenters.

Digital Boardroom

A grouping of a set of numbers into one number that represents the whole set.

For example, "sum" is a common aggregation.

Data Models

Allocation is the process of splitting values derived from source data into multiple values and storing the values in target data.

For example, allocation can be used to assign indirect costs such as IT support cost to different departments, projects, and regions. It includes structured allocation processes as well as ad hoc operations such as spreading and distribution.

allocation process

A type of allocation that assigns values from source dimensions to target dimensions based on driver values.

You can create complex allocation processes with multiple steps, for example, allocating values from an Account dimension to an Organization dimension, and then from the Organization dimension to a Product dimension.

analytic application

A document that can contain visualizations such as tables, charts, and filters to allow navigation and analysis of data.

You can personalize the visualizations and interaction behaviors of the UI elements according to user requirements. Analytic applications are created and consumed in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Analytics Designer
Analytics Designer

Capability in SAP Analytics Cloud that lets you create applications for data analysis and data planning.

Application designers can configure the behavior of the UI elements in an analytic application with a set of specific script API events, and specify which actions should take place when events are triggered. This flexibility allows application designers to create a variety of analytic applications, ranging from simple static dashboards to highly customized applications with numerous options to browse and navigate data.

Analytics Designer

A person who works on events in the calendar.

Assignees can edit attached work files, add additional information and change the progress of an event.


Characteristics of a dimension member, such as ID or owner.

Attributes can be displayed in grids.

  • Data Models
  • Stories
automatic data action task A calendar task that lets you schedule the automatic execution of a data action at a specific time.
  • Calendar
  • Planning
basemap An outline map of an area to which specific information is added for any of various purposes. Stories
blended table A table created with data from more than one model. Stories
booked data Booked data refers to table cells that contain a value, even if the value is zero or an empty (single space) string.
  • Data Models
  • Stories

An image marker on a chart or geo map based on a value of a measure.

Bubbles provide two visual cues to help users analyze data displayed on a map: size and color.

calendar highlights Tile on the SAP Analytics Cloud home screen that displays which calendar events are overdue and which are coming due. Calendar
canvas A flexible space where you can explore and present your data. Stories
choropleth layer

A map layer containing shaded geographical hierarchies.

To add data from a model to a choropleth layer, the model must contain at least one location dimension.

cluster A representation of a collection of points. Stories

Instant messaging tool that allows colleagues to discuss business content, share information, and create tasks in real-time chat.

Collaboration makes it easy to make decisions based on the linked business content.


In the collaboration tools, text added by a participant of a discussion or a thread.

The text is posted in real time in the discussion or thread.

composite task A calendar task with one or more assignees, and one or more reviewers, if needed. Calendar
coordinate data Data consisting of longitude and latitude values. Stories

A person who creates events in the calendar.

Creators can edit all settings of an event. They create work files for people (assignees) working on these events, set reminders and close the events when they are done.

cross calculation A cross calculation is a calculation that is applied across all account members/measures (for example, a deviation to last year's Actuals for all the measures) instead of just being applied to account members/measures explicitly selected in the calculation definition. Stories
currency conversion Converting amounts from the source currency into a target currency using a valid exchange rate. Data Models
currency table

In a planning model that has currency conversion enabled, a currency conversion table defines exchange rates for all currencies that are in use.

One currency conversion table can be applied to multiple models. The currency conversion is calculated as a source currency multiplied by an exchange rate to determine the equivalent value in a target currency. Currency tables can also include multiple rates for each conversion that apply to different dates, categories, and rate versions.

Data Models

A modern, exploratory, corporate steering presentation.

Use a Digital Boardroom dashboard to allow the presenter to decide where to go next, without a predefined path to follow.

Digital Boardroom
data action

A tool that allows users to create a sequence of copy-paste operations and scripted calculations in order to carry out planning and simple consolidation functions.

Data actions are applied to model data from within a story using a data action trigger.

data analyzer

A predefined ready-to-run service for SAP BW queries.

The data analyzer can be opened from within an analytic application that uses the script function "openDataAnaylzer" or via URL parametrization.

It contains a table, a filter area, a menu bar and a builder panel with navigation capabilities. This way the user can easily navigate and analyze the data.

Analytics Designer
data changes A feature that logs information about each change to the transaction data in a model. Data Models
data locking task

A calendar task that lets you define which assignees shall lock or unlock which data slice of your planning model, and when.

Data locking tasks help you keep track of planning processes, and make sure that model data is locked at the right time.

  • Calendar
  • Planning
data point

A row of data in the data container.

You can change both the value of a data point and various customizing attributes that determine how it appears in a chart such as its color.

data source A combination of the source of data, for example relational database, flat-file database, or text file, and the connection information necessary for accessing the data. Connections
dataset A set of data used for reporting, modeling, predictive analytics, or planning. The data is usually in tabular format, where columns represent variables, and rows contain values that are observations or instances of each variable.
  • Smart Predict
  • Connections
date A dimension that contains the time periods for which you store data, for example, week, year, quarter, or custom time period. Stories
Digital Boardroom

A real-time, interactive boardroom presentation.

Create traditional boardroom meeting agendas, or exploratory, corporate steering dashboards.

Digital Boardroom
dimension A data object that represents categorical data (for example, product category, date, or location).
  • Data Models
  • Stories
direct connection A type of live data connection that does not use a reverse proxy. Connections

A collection of posts that can be linked to specific business content, for example, a story.

In addition, a discussion thread can comprise notifications, tasks, and links to business content.

drill down The act of navigating into more detailed information from a general category. Stories
drill up The act of navigating from a detailed to a more general level of data. Stories
events Collective term used for tasks, processes, input tasks, and so on, particularly when describing activities that apply to more than one task or process.
  • Calendar
  • Stories
exception aggregation

A grouping of a set of numbers into one number that represents the whole set.

An exception aggregation differs from a standard aggregation in that the exception aggregation focuses on non-cumulative values. For example, "First value" is a common exception aggregation.

  • Data Models
  • Stories
feature layer A custom geo map layer defined by external third party (Esri ArcGIS web service). Stories
flow layer A map layer that illustrates relationships between points; for example supply routes. Stories
general task A calendar task with one or more assignees, but no reviewers. Calendar
geo enrich

To add geographical semantics to data.

Before you perform geospatial analysis in stories, you must first import coordinate data or area data, and enrich it in the Modeler. This process creates a new column in the data view with an enriched format of latitude and longitude coordinates or state and county names.

  • Data Models
  • Stories

Two types of hierarchy are available: level-based hierarchies, and parent-child hierarchies.

A common example of a level-based hierarchy is a Location dimension, with hierarchical levels such as Country, State, and City. A parent-child hierarchy organizes the members of a dimension into a set of parent-child relationships. You can define multiple hierarchies for generic dimensions and organization dimensions so that the data can be grouped in multiple different ways in a story.

  • Data Models
  • Stories
histogram A frequency distribution using bars to represent text or numerical values. Stories
import data connection

A connection to a data source or application, which allows data to be imported (copied) to and saved in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Changes made to the data in the source system don't affect the imported data until and unless the data is imported again either manually or as a scheduled job. See also “live data connection”.

input form

A page used to request and collect data from other users.

Typical examples include collecting data for budgeting or planning.

  • Planning
  • Stories
input task A task created for a user who is requested to provide or approve information entered in an input form of a story.
  • Planning
  • Stories
  • Calendar
insight An insight represents the displayed data source in data analyzer including the filters, the navigation state as well as the presentation state of the table.
inverse formula

Inverse formulas specify how a formula will be reversed if data is entered on the formula in a story.

One or more inverse functions can be added at the end of a formula.

  • Data Models
  • Planning
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A type of success measurement.

Certain threshold values are defined for measures, respectively, members of the Accounts dimension such as Net Revenue in a Profit and Loss model.

KPI scope

The range or extent of values to check for a KPI visualization or threshold.

The scope states the following information for each dimension in the model:
  • Granularity – a hierarchy level.
  • A filter – a subset of dimension members, for example France, 2015.
leaf member

A dimension member that does not have any child members.

For example, for a Date dimension that is maintained with monthly granularity, January 2018 is a leaf member. In a planning model, all data is stored in leaf members.

  • Data Models
  • Stories
linked analysis A feature that allows users to drill through hierarchical data or create filters that simultaneously update multiple charts in a story. Stories
live data connection

A connection to a data source or application, where the data is "live". The data is not imported (copied) to or saved in SAP Analytics Cloud.

When changes are made to the data in the source system, the changes are immediately reflected in SAP Analytics Cloud. See also “import data connection”.

live data model A model that is based on a live data connection.
  • Data Models
  • Connections
location dimension A representation of spatial objects on a geo map.
  • Data Models
  • Stories
lock The act of freezing individual values – for example, during a disaggregation – or an entire data region; a combination of entity, time, and version, for example.
  • Planning
  • Stories
master data Data in dimension tables that is typically shared across the enterprise, and should be saved in public dimensions in SAP Analytics Cloud. Data Models
measure A data object that represents quantitative data (for example, sales revenue, salary, or number of employees).
  • Data Models
  • Stories

Elements that make up a dimension.

Records in a model are assigned to a member for each dimension, allowing the data to be aggregated and analyzed. Members are organized into hierarchies for each dimension, or into a flat list (for example, in the Version dimension).

  • Data Models
  • Stories

A model is a representation of the business data of an organization, organized into dimensions and measures.

Models provide the basis for planning and analysis in stories. There are two types of models: Planning models, which allow you to write data to the model, and Analytic models. Also, there are two types of data connections for models: import data connections and live data connections. Live data models, which are based on live data connections, can be only Analytic models.

  • Data Models
  • Stories
  • An alert, warning, or error message raised by the application to indicate the current state of an object.
  • Information about an action taken on a collaboration process, task, or event.
  • Calendar
  • Stories

A type of dimension that represents the organizational structure that applies to a model's accounts.

This dimension can be used to represent different geographical locations such as offices or sales areas. For planning models with currency conversion enabled, you can specify a currency for the members of an organization dimension.

Data Models

A person who has the same rights as the creator of a calendar event.

The only difference between a creator and an owner is that the owner of an event does not create the event initially.

palette A set of colors to be used for formatting pages, data in visualizations, table cells, and so on. Stories
predictive forecast The outcome of running an algorithm on historical data to predict future values for a specific measure.
  • Predictive
  • Planning

A calendar event to structure your workflow.

A process lets you manage your tasks in one parent event. The child events can be tasks or even other processes with their child events.

rate version

In a planning model that uses currency conversion, a rate version is a set of currency exchange rates applied to one or more specific versions in a story.

Therefore, rate versions can be used to quickly simulate an exchange rate scenario.


Records are the granular values that make up model data. Imported to a model or created by data entry on a planning model, records are assigned to a leaf member for each dimension.

For example, a record could represent a single purchase or sale, including the value, date, location, and so on. When you add the model data to a story, records are aggregated along each dimension to allow data analysis.

Records are sometimes known as facts, too.

Data Models

Notification that will be sent to all assignees who have not completed a task by the due date.

The reminder can be sent to the assignee's manager, as well, and as email.

  • Calendar
  • Stories
responsive page A story page that lets you control the order and arrangement of tiles, and preview the page on different screen sizes. Stories
restricted measure

A measure that is restricted so that it excludes data from selected members of one or more dimensions.

In a chart, restricted measures are members of the Account dimension. In a table, you can create a restricted measure based on a member of the Account dimension (also known as a restricted account), or based on the Calculations dimension.

reviewer Someone who reviews the task that was done by the assignee.
  • Calendar
  • Stories
review task A calendar task with one or more assigned reviewers to approve or reject the result of a preceding event. Calendar

Series of statements which are created by application designers using the script editor.

By adding a script to a widget, you can influence the behavior of this widget and thus enable user interaction, also referred to as events, at run time. A script typically consists of several statements.

Analytics Designer
script editor A tool within the analytics designer to specify the actions that should take place when an event is triggered by an application user. Analytics Designer
search to insight A tool used to query data for quick answers to questions and incorporate these insights into a story.
  • Stories
shapefile A standard format representing area or coordinate data.
  • Data Models
  • Stories
smart discovery The result generated by mapping your data to a statistical model to uncover new or unknown relationships between columns within a dataset. Stories
smart insight A display containing deeper information on contributing factors about a particular data point. Stories

In a table based on a planning model, spreading refers to changing the values of the cells that aggregate up to a source cell.

It can refer to manual spreading, which is an allocation feature that allows you to specify values for target cells of a certain dimension and hierarchy level. It can also refer to automatic spreading, where a value is entered in an unbooked cell and the system automatically determines how to spread the value to leaf members.

  • Planning
  • Stories

A programmatic instruction within a script.

The execution of a statement is typically triggered by user interaction with the widget.

Analytics Designer
story A presentation-style document that uses charts, visualizations, text, images, and pictograms to describe data. Stories
story filter A filter for all charts in a story that are based on the same model. Stories
story page In stories, a blank canvas, a responsive page, or a grid to help you explore and present data. Stories
story preferences In stories, a set of default formatting options, such as the page size and background color, the text style and background color of tiles, or the color palettes of charts. Stories

A table is a representation of data in a two-dimensional tabular view, which is typically related to a source model (although basic tables independent of any model are also possible).

  • Stories
  • Analytics Designer

A calendar event that supports you to organize your workflows.

Different task types are available:
  • Composite tasks

  • General tasks

  • Review tasks

  • Data locking tasks

  • Automatic data action tasks

  • Input tasks


A value or value range that provides visual cues to let you know what areas are doing well and what areas may need improvements.

Multiple thresholds can be assigned labels such as OK, Warning, and Critical.

tile A rectangular UI element that can be placed in a container and used to display content such as text or images as well as visualizations of tables or charts. Stories

A container for one or more story pages in a Digital Boardroom presentation.

The hierarchy of topics in a presentation determines its sequence and flow.

Digital Boardroom
tuple filter

A tuple filter is a complex filter that is a combination of other filters.

For example, a tuple filter can be used to exclude historical forecast data while at the same time include forecast data for a selected time period.

  • Stories
  • Planning
unassigned member

An unassigned member is automatically created for all generic and organization dimensions in a planning model.

It is always a leaf member in a dimension hierarchy. The unassigned member, which has a hash symbol (#) as its ID, is necessary for planning operations such as structured allocation and automatic spreading. When you enter data in an unbooked cell, it is generally added to the unassigned member for dimensions that are not on a table axis.

  • Data Models
  • Planning
unbooked cell

Unbooked cells (unbooked data) are displayed in a table for sets of dimension members that do not yet have a value.

Unbooked cells display a dash character (-). A cell with a value of zero is considered a booked cell.

  • Data Models
  • Stories
validation rule Rule in a planning model that defines which range of data is valid for data entry and planning operations by specifying the allowed member combinations across dimensions for this planning model.
  • Data Models
  • Planning
value driver tree

A directed graph made up of nodes linked together by different types of calculations, such as union calculations, or year-over-year growth calculations.

Value driver trees read data from accounts in a planning model, and write the results of the calculations back to the model. For example, you can use a value driver tree to simulate how changes to driver accounts such as head count and average contract value will affect top line metrics such as gross revenue.

variance The difference between two data values, such as time periods or categories. Stories
version A set of data from the database, viewed in a table:
  • Public versions require data access privileges to view and modify the data.
  • Private versions are only visible to the one who created them.
  • Shared versions are private versions that have been shared with others.