Working with Story and Page Filters

When viewing a story, you can change story and page filter values as well as how the values are displayed in the filters.

When the story you are viewing has filters (including story, page, input control, or widget filters), the filters usually show the description for the values, not the ID. However, you may want to see the ID or a combination of ID and description. In some systems, the ID is necessary if you want to search the data.

Change displayed values in filters
  1. Select a story or page filter.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • If the filter is a story or widget filter: at the bottom of the filter select Display As and then select Description, ID, or ID and Description.

    • If the filter is an input control: select Start of the navigation path Next navigation step Display AsEnd of the navigation path and then select Description, ID, or ID and Description.

Once you've changed how the data is displayed in the filter, you can choose how to search .