Search to Insight

Search to Insight is a natural language query interface used to query data.

While working with indexed models based on acquired and SAP HANA, SAP S/4HANA, and SAP BW live data, you can query Search to Insight to get quick answers to questions and incorporate these insights into a story. See Live Data Limitations for Search to Insight for more information on working with live data.

You can ask questions such as:
  • Sales for a specified year or quarter.
  • Sales for a region or two regions by priority.
  • Compare Actuals versus Forecasted values for a specified measure in a specific time period.
The Search to Insight search field identifies and auto-completes relevant search strings including dimension names, dimension values, and measure names. Suggested strings are based on the entire contents of what was typed in the search field.You can use synonyms for measure and dimension names if they are defined in your system. For more information see Defining and Working with Synonyms.
During autocomplete, users will see dimension values regardless of their access rights. Any visualization resulting from Search to Insight will respect access rights.
The interface can only identify and work with words in English.
Supported keywords

The section below describes which keywords and formats are supported.

Query scope What is supported Examples
Chart a measure

Measure across a specified dimension's members

Syntax: [Measure] by [Dimension]

Show sales by region

Measure aggregated by a single dimension member

Syntax: [Measure] for [Member]

Show sales for John Smith

Specifying the dimension of a member

Syntax: [Measure] for [Member] in [Dimension]

Show sales for John Smith in sales representatives

Specifying multiple measures

Syntax: [Measure] and /, [Measure] by [Dimension]

Show sales and discounts by region

Show sales, discounts by region


Specifying multiple dimensions

Syntax: [Measure] by [Dimension] and /, Dimension]

Show sales by region and priority

Show sales by region, priority


Specifying multiple dimension members

Syntax: [Measure] for [Member] and /, [Member]

Show sales for Canada and USA

Show sales for Canada, USA

Rank and sort

Show top N values for the specified measure

Syntax: top/highest/largest/best N [Measure] by [Dimension]

Show top five Texas sales by priority

Show bottom N values for the specified measure

Syntax: lowest/least/smallest/worst N [Measure] by [Dimension]

Show lowest/least/smallest/worst five Texas sales by priority
Hierarchical Navigation

Show hierarchical breakdown if modeled as part of a hierarchy

Syntax: [Measure] for all [Dimension]

Show Taxes for all Regions

Show hierarchical breakdown if modeled as part of a hierarchy

Syntax: [Measure] for all [Dimension]

Show Taxes for France
Describe model metadata

Identify all dimensions and measures for the specified model

Syntax: Describe [Model]

Describe sales data
Limit search to a single model

Specify model name

Syntax: ... within/in/from/using/for [Model]

… within sales data
Set the chart type

Specify chart type

Syntax: as [Chart Type]

Available chart types: line chart, bubble chart, stacked bar column, bar column, column line, waterfall, cluster bubble, scatter plot, box plot, heat map, radar chart, tree map, numeric point, area chart, time series chart, donut chart, marimekko, and pie chart.

… as line chart
Use time phrases Create a time series chart across a time dimension Show net revenue by time
  Aggregate values to the specified time interval Show net revenue in the past 3 months
  Specify time granularity

Syntax: [Measure] by/per/over/broken down by/broken into <Time Hierarchy Level>

Show me income over months

Show me income broken down by day

Show me income broken into fiscal quarters

Show me yearly income

  Search for certain dates Monday / March 3 / on the 15th of February / October 2014 / fiscal year 2017 / calendar year 2017/ Q3 / H1 / first period of 2019
  Search for certain hours 3pm / at 15 past 3pm / 3:30 / at 9am on Saturday
  Search for a relative time interval 7 days ago / three weeks ago / next two years / this half of the year
  Search for an explicit time interval July 13-15 / August 2019 to this month
Measure refinements

Filter values above a given threshold

Syntax: [Measure] higher than/larger than/bigger than/greater than />/above N

Show me sales above 300 dollars

Filter values below a given threshold

Syntax: [Measure] below/lower than/smaller than/</less than N

Show me Product sales below 300 dollars

Filter values above or equal to a given threshold

Syntax: [Measure] greater than or equal to/bigger than or equal to/higher than or equal to/>=/larger than or equal to N

Show me Product sales greater than or equal to 300 dollars

Filter values below or equal to a given threshold

Syntax: [Measure] lower than or equal to/smaller than or equal to/<=/less than or equal to N

Show me Product sales lower than or equal to 100 dollars

Filter values to those that match a given value

Syntax: [Measure] equals/=/equal to N

Show me Product sales = $400

Filter values based on a specified range

Syntax: [Measure] between/ranging from N1 to N2

Show me Product sales between $700 to $4500
Use number formats

Include numbers in queries using any of the following formats below.

As words (only English supported):

Millions – M, m, Million, or million

Billions – B, b, Billion, or billion

Thousands – K, k, Thousand, or thousand

As number phrases:

Half a Million/Billion/Thousand

A Quarter Million/Billion/Thousand

Supported separators: comas for whole numbers or decimal points for fractions.

Show me Product sales above 3 million

Show Product sales below half a billion

Show me Product sales between 1.45 million and 3,450,000