Using Your Live Generated Dataset in an SAP Analytics Cloud Model

You have generated the predictions in a live dataset and you now want to use the predictions in SAP Analytics Cloud.


Live datasets cannot be consumed in SAP Analytics Cloud as they are. To be able to use your predictions, you need the help of an IT administrator and to go through some additional steps.

Here is an overview of the full process you have to follow while working with live datasets (see related links for more information):

As of Google Chrome version 80, you need to configure your SAP on-premise data source to issue cookies with SameSite=None; Secure attributes. If the SameSite attribute is not set, cookies issued by your SAP data source system will no longer work with SAP Analytics Cloud. Refer to SameSite Cookie Configuration for Live Data Connections for more information.
Your IT administrator user has to create calculation views before you can consume the generated tables containing your predictions. For more information, see Creating Calculation Views to Consume Live Output Datasets.


  1. In the main menu of SAP Analytics Cloud, select Start of the navigation pathCreate Next navigation step ModelEnd of the navigation path.
  2. Select Get data from a data source
  3. Click on Live Data Connection under Connect to live data area.
  4. In the Create Model From Live Data Connection window, enter the following information:
    • System Type: SAP HANA
    • Connection: Select the previously created data connection (to this SAP HANA system)
    • Data Source: Enter first 3 letters of the calculation view created by your SAP HANA technical user.
    You can then create a story using this model as a source.