Bookmarks Roles and Permissions

To create and manage a bookmark, you must have the appropriate permissions for this analytic application item. Many standard application roles already include the permissions to work with bookmarks.

Bookmark related permissions include:

Permission Description
Create To create and save bookmarks.
Read To view bookmarks in the Files repository or directly in your analytic application by leveraging the API getAll () or getAppliedBookmark ().
Update To edit bookmarks in the Files repository. At least Read permission should be granted as well.
Delete To delete bookmarks in the Files repository. At least Read permission should be granted as well.
Share To share personal bookmarks to others in the Files repository. At least Read permission should be granted as well.

In general, all standard application roles delivered with SAP Analytics Cloud by default have the Read permission enabled.

In addition to that, the following standard application roles by default contain full permission to read, create, update, delete and share a bookmark:

  • Application Creator
  • BI Admin
  • BI Content Creator
  • Admin

To view or edit analytic bookmarks permissions for a role, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Start of the navigation path Security Next navigation step  RolesEnd of the navigation path.

  2. Select the role whose bookmark permission you want to modify, or create a new role by clicking (Add Role).

  3. Go to the Application Bookmark row and select any permissions you want to add or remove.

  4. Select (Save).