Responsive Lanes

You can use responsive lanes to section the content of a responsive page into groups. Tiles within a responsive lane stay together when the responsive page is resized.

By default, a responsive page starts with two lanes. To add more lanes, highlight an existing lane in your responsive page, select (Add new lane), and then select Add lane to left, Add lane to right, Add lane above, or Add lane below. Reorder lanes by dragging and dropping them in another section of the page.

You can enter lane titles to help you organize the lanes in your page. On a lane title, you can also include Dynamic Text. Lane titles resize when the responsive page is shared on smaller or larger screens. To hide a lane title, select an existing lane, and then select Start of the navigation path (More Actions) Next navigation step  (Show/Hide) Next navigation step TitleEnd of the navigation path.

To resize a lane, grab the lane border and drag it to the left or to the right. A grid appears and it is used as a reference on how the lane can be resized. Resizing a lane will also resize adjacent lanes, and the tiles within each lane will adjust to the new lane size.

You can copy lanes from a responsive page and paste them with all their contents to other pages.

You can also change lane styling properties such as the background color by selecting Start of the navigation path Next navigation step  (Edit Styling)End of the navigation path. Select the lane title to see styling options for the title such as adding a border, setting the title's background color, setting text properties, and inserting shapes or images to help you enhance the visual style of your presentation.