How is this calculated?

Smart Insights can show you how your data point is calculated.

Smart Insights Panel

If the data point you selected is based on a calculation, the Smart Insights panel displays information about how your data point was calculated, including any formula used, and the aggregation type.

You can also see the value of each measure in your formula, by hovering over it. If any filters are applied on your chart, these filters are taken into account in the displayed measure value. You can get further insights on each measure in your formula by hovering and selecting Smart Insights in the context menu. The Smart Insights panel then displays insights specific to the measure you've selected. You can continue to drill further into your data for more insights, and of course return to where you began by selecting (Back) in the Smart Insights panel.

Aggregation types

If your data point is calculated using the aggregation type AVERAGE, AVERAGE excl. NULL , AVERAGE excl. 0, NULL, MIN or MAX, the Smart Insights panel displays further insights. You can see an overview of the minimum, maximum, and average values of your data point in a numeric point chart. The Smart Insights panel also displays a histogram chart, which lets you see how the measures and dimensions used to create your calculated data point are distributed.

If outliers exist for your data point, an Outliers button is available in the Smart Insights panel. Select the Outliers button to include these outliers in the histogram chart. It's good to know about outliers, so you fully understand the effect they have on your data values. Outliers tend to skew the average value. If your dataset has outliers, we suggest using other types of calculations in your story. Both the number point chart and the histogram chart can be copied to your story.

Outliers are shown in the histogram chart by default, if your data point is calculated using the aggregation types MIN or MAX. You can exclude them from the histogram chart by selecting the Outliers button.

Account Dimension
If your data point represents the account dimension of your model, the Smart Insights panel also displays a textual insight and a chart. The textual insight explains that the data point representing the account dimension is calculated using the aggregation type SUM to add up all the contributing subaccounts. Subaccounts that don’t contribute to the parent account dimension are excluded from the calculation. The waterfall chart displays which Profit and Loss statement subaccounts contribute to, or add up to the parent account dimension. Financial account types Income (INC), Expense (EXP), Liabilities & Equities (LEQ), and Assets (AST) are supported. As with other charts in the Smart Insights panel, you can copy this waterfall chart to your story. If your data point is based on a calculation or a formula, you can see insights about the calculation or formula, rather than the account dimension.
  • Variance for account dimensions isn’t supported.

  • Currency values aren't displayed when hovering over measures in formulas that occur in tables.

To learn more about formulas and calculations, you can select the link to the chapter called Formulas and Calculations in SAP Analytics Cloud Help on the SAP Help Portal at

To learn more about account dimensions, you can select the link to the chapter called Attributes of an Account Dimension in SAP Analytics Cloud Help on the SAP Help Portal at