Dynamically Set Min or Max on a Chart Axis

You can dynamically set the minimum or maximum axis values for all series on a chart axis.


By default, charts include the zero axis even if there are no values close to zero. You can manually set ranges for your values, but you can also let the system dynamically set the minimum and maximum values.

You can change the axis min/max setting for the following chart types:

  • Combination Column & Line
  • Combination Stacked Column & Line
  • Line
  • Bubble
  • Scatterplot


  1. Choose your chart.
  2. Choose Start of the navigation path (More Actions) Next navigation step Edit AxisEnd of the navigation path.
  3. Find the toggle for Dynamically Set Min/Max and set it to On.

    If your chart has more than one min/max toggle available, set the toggle for each axis.

  4. Choose Apply.