Creating Point of Interest Data from an Esri Shapefile

Follow these steps to create point of interest data by uploading an Esri shapefile.


  1. From the () Main Menu, select Start of the navigation path Create Next navigation step  Point of InterestEnd of the navigation path.
  2. Select Import a shape file.
  3. Select the files to upload.

    You must select the SHP and DBF files from the shapefile. Both files must have the same name, for example, sales_regions.shp and sales_regions.dbf.

  4. In the Point of Interest Name field, type a name to identify the point of interest data.
  5. Select an option from Spatial Reference ID corresponding to the encoding of the imported shapefile.

    For more information on spatial reference IDs, see the SAP HANA Spatial Reference available on the SAP Help Portal at

    The following options are available:
    • 3857:WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
    • 4326:WGS 84
    • 1000004326:WGS 84 (planar)
  6. From the Tooltip Text list, select a field to provide the tooltip text for each point of interest.
  7. Select Create.