Function documentationArchive Development Kit (ADK) Locate this document in the navigation structure


You use the Archive Development Kit (ADK) to develop archiving solutions. You can also use it to prepare the runtime environment for archiving and to archive data other than payment orders and recalls in Payment Engine.

The Archive Development Kit (ADK) is an intermediate layer between the application program and the archive that provides all the functions required for archiving data. Its functions are needed for archiving and for subsequent access to archived data. It often runs in the background during archiving processes.

For more information, see Archive Development Kit.


You can use the Archive Development Kit (ADK) to archive application logs, change documents, and service level agreements (SLAs) through the Archive Administration using these transactions:

  • /PE1/SBAL_AR_ARCH to archive application logs

  • /PE1/CHDOC_AR_ARCH to archive change documents

  • /PE1/SLA_AR_ARCH to archive other documents, such as service level agreements (SLAs)

  • /PE1/RA_AR_ARCHIVING to archive request agents.

For more information, see Archiving Logs, Documents, and SLAs.