Procedure documentationMaintaining Benefit Rules Locate this document in the navigation structure


The personnel expenditure planning (PEP) requires benefit rates to be defined for combinations of benefit area and benefit plans. The combinations of benefit area and benefit plans are created through benefit rules. The SAP Public Budget Formulation solution facilitates the creation of benefit rules through the Benefit Rules Maintenance screen. Using benefit rules, customers can create benefit area/benefit plan combinations and assign attributes needed to calculate the cost of the benefits in the PEP projections.

In the previous releases, benefits were configured for the fiscal period. Fiscal feriod PEP projections use the monthly benefit rules. To execute pay period PEP projections, the benefit rules need to be configured for pay periods and pay years. An additional Pay Periods tab has been added to the Benefit Rules Maintenance for maintaining the pay periods and pay years.


You have defined the following master data:

  • Benefit Area

  • Benefit Plan

  • Wage Type

  • Accumulators

  • Commitment Items


To create a new benefit rule, do the following:

  1. Choose   PBF Administration   PEP Maintenance   Personnel Maintenance  .In the Detailed Navigation area, choose   Benefit Rules  .

  2. In the Benefit Area screen, click Edit.

    The Benefit Area table becomes editable.

  3. In the Benefit Area table, click New.

    The system displays the New Benefit Area popup.

  4. In the New Benefit Area popup, select a benefit area.

  5. To add the new benefit areas to the benefit rule, click OK.

  6. To return to the Benefit Area screen without adding a benefit area, click Cancel.

  7. To add benefit plans to the benefit area, click Next.

    The system displays the Benefit Plan screen.

  8. In the Benefit Plan screen, click Add.

    The system displays the New Benefit Plan popup.

  9. In the New Benefit Plan popup, enter information in the following fields:

    • Benefit Plan: select the benefit plan code associated with the selected benefit area.

    • Wage Type: select the wage type code for this benefit rule.

    • Calculation Basis: select the accumulator that is used as the basis of the calculation for this benefit rule.

    • Calculation Order: enter the calculation order for the benefit rule to establish the sequence in which the benefit rules should be calculated.

    • Benefit Start Period: enter the period in which the benefit costs for this benefit rule can begin to be calculated in the PEP projection.

    • Commitment Item: select the commitment item code assigned to the benefit rule that will be posted by the projection scenarios.

    There is no limit to the number of benefit plans per benefit area.

  10. To add the new benefit plan to the benefit rule for the selected benefit area, click OK.

  11. To return to the Benefit Plan screen without adding a benefit area, click Cancel.

  12. To add benefit months and accumulators to the benefit area/benefit plan rule, click Next. The next steps depend on whether Fiscal Period PEP or Pay Period PEP is utilized.

    • For Fiscal Period PEP

      1. To add the benefit months and accumulators for Fiscal Period PEP, select the Months tab. The system displays the Benefit Months and Accumulator screen.

      2. In the Months table on the Benefit Months and Accumulator screen, click Add.

        The system displays a new row in the Months table.

      3. Enter a number between 1-12 in the highlighted row.

      4. In the Accumulator table on the Benefit Months and Accumulator screen, click Add.

        The system displays a new row in the accumulator table.

    • For Pay Period PEP

      1. To add the benefit pay periods and years and accumulators for Pay Period PEP, select the Pay Periods tab. The system displays the Benefit Pay Periods and Accumulator screen.

      2. In the Pay Periods table on the Benefit Months and Accumulator screen, click Add. The system displays a new row in the Pay Periods table.

      3. Enter the appropriate Pay Type, such as monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, and so on.

      4. Enter the pay periods and pay years for which the benefit should be included in PEP calculations.

      5. In the Accumulator table on the Benefit Pay Periods and Accumulator screen, click Add. The system displays a new row in the Accumulator table.

  13. Select an accumulator code.

  14. To return from the Benefit Months and Accumulator screen to the Benefit Plan screen and from the Benefit Plan screen to the Benefit Area screen, click Back.

  15. To save the entries in all three Benefit Rules screens, click Save.

  16. To return the Benefit Rules screens to a non-editable state without saving any changes, click Cancel.

To edit a benefit rule, do the following:

  1. Select the benefit area that you want to edit, and click Next.

    The system displays the Benefit Plan screen.

  2. Select the benefit plan you want to edit and click Edit.

    The system makes all fields in the Benefit Rule screens editable.

  3. Enter changes in the wage type, calculation basis, calculation order, benefit start period, or commitment item. Choose the Months tab to edit the benefit plan months or benefit accumulators for Fiscal Period PEP.

    Note Note

    You cannot change benefit area or benefit plan.

    End of the note.
  4. To edit the months and accumulators for a benefit plan, select the benefit plan row, click Next.

    The system displays the Months and Accumulators screen.

  5. Make changes to either the Months and/or Accumulator tables.

  6. To save the changes, click Save.

  7. To exit without saving the changes, click Cancel.

  8. Choose the Pay Periods tab to edit benefit pay type, pay periods, pay years, or benefit accumulators for Pay Period PEP. You cannot change benefit area or benefit plan.

  9. To edit the pay type, pay periods, pay years, and accumulators for a benefit plan, select the benefit plan row and click Next. The system displays the Pay Periods and Accumulators screen.

  10. Make changes to the pay periods or accumulator tables.

  11. To save the changes, click Save. To exit without saving the changes, click Cancel.

To delete a benefit rule, do the following:

  1. Select the benefit rule that you want to delete.

    The system displays a popup seeking a confirmation.

    • To delete the benefit area and all related benefit plans, click Yes.

    • To not delete the benefit area and all related benefit plans, click No.

  2. To delete a specific benefit plan, select the benefit area and click Next.

  3. Select the benefit plan row, click Delete.

    The system displays a popup seeking confirmation.

    • To delete the benefit plan and all related months and accumulators or pay periods and accumulators, click Yes.

    • To not delete the benefit plan and all related months and accumulators, click No.

  4. To delete a benefit plan month, select the benefit plan, click Next.

  5. Select the Months tab.

  6. Select the month to be deleted, click Delete.

  7. To delete a benefit plan accumulator, select the benefit plan, click Next.

  8. Select the accumulator to be deleted, click Delete.

  9. To save the changes, click Save. To exit without saving the changes, click Cancel.

  10. To delete a benefit plan pay period, select the benefit plan and click Next.

  11. Select the Pay Periods tab.

  12. Select the row with the pay type, pay period, and pay year to be deleted and click Delete.

  13. To delete a benefit plan accumulator, select the benefit plan and click Next.

  14. Select the accumulator to be deleted and click Delete.

  15. To save the changes, click Save. To exit without saving the changes, click Cancel.