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Procedure documentation Installing SAP Application Services on Virtual Hostnames  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


The current SAPINST implementations are now able to install directly on the virtual hostname (for more detailed information refer to the installation guide of the installed application). No preparation and subsequent work regarding the hostnames has to be done. To be able to install the Central Instance on a different hostname as the database it is important to use the distributed Installation.


The Adaptive Computing Controller is able to run different instances of an SAP application service in different computing nodes. For this, the instances must get their own virtual hostnames. This requires at least two different virtual hostnames for the database and the central instance (This is valid for ABAP only. Java EE has no central instance).

The convention used in Adaptive Computing environment is: <service type>[<no>]<SID>. For example,

Host Name



Database instance


Central instance


Trex instance


Scs instance


Application servers

Depending on the network setup (e.g. user LAN, server LAN, and so on) there are more hostnames needed (server-, client- network, and so on). A hostname convention in this case could be <service type>[<no>]<SID>[-network].

§         On UNIX – Since SAPINST cannot handle NIS, deactivate NIS during the setup procedure. The consequence is that all users, groups, services are written to the local files. Ensure that the local IDs match the NIS IDs because NIS has to be reactivated after the SAPINST installation process. If the IDs do not match, there will be problems with different file owner permissions

§         On Windows – SAPINST is able to integrate users and groups into MS ADS, just ensure the installation is done into the Windows domain.


Do not forget to cleanup the temporary directory used during the installation after each single installation step.


1. Installing Central Services

The first installation step is the Central service installation. This needs to be done with the virtual hostname of the Central Instance.


During the installation routine the Database Host will be asked. Enter here the virtual hostname of the database.

The installation routine also requires the path to the JRE or JDK implementation on the local host. This depends on the local implementation. It is recommended to put the used Java package together with all the other SAP application service components on the storage system and mount it to the directory which is created especially for this SID. The implementation could look this way:


       1.      Create directory /usr/lib/java_<SID>

       2.      Copy the required Java components into the FS, together with all other components of the <SID>.

       3.      Mount the Java components to /usr/lib/java_<SID>

       4.      Enter the path /usr/lib/java_<SID>, when the installation routine asks for the “JDK Directory”. The SAPINST procedure sets all variables (JAVA_HOME, …) for the user <SID>adm in the right way when the entered JDK is used.


On Windows – If a JRE or JDK implementation is required by the SAP application, it is recommended to install it on the local host manually or with the help of OS deployment tools.

2. Installing Database

The second installation step is the Java Database Installation. For this installation phase the virtual hostname of the database has to be used.


The installation routine sets now all database related configuration to the virtual hostname of the database.

3. Installing Central Instance

The last installation step is the Java Central Instance Installation. Here again the virtual hostname of the Central instance needs to be used.



Additional Steps after the initial Installation

On Windows

On each node the following local groups must be available:

·        SAP_LocalAdmin

Members: <domain>\SAP_<SID>_GlobalAdmin

·        SAP_<SID>_LocalAdmin

Members: <domain>\SAP_<SID>_GlobalAdmin

For creating the groups and adding the members use the following commands:

Net localgroup /add SAP_<SID>_LocalAdmin

Net localgroup SAP_<SID>_LocalAdmin /add adaptive\SAP_<SID>_GlobalAdmin

On each node the SAP<SID>_<Instance_nr> service should be available:

For creating the service use the following command:

sc create SAP<SID>_< Instance_nr> binPath= "C:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\run\sapstartsrv.exe pf=C:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\profile\START_DVEBMGS<Instance_nr>_<virtual_hostname>" obj= adaptive\sapservice<SID> password= ‘….’


This can be done during OS deployment, manually or automated before starting the SAP application services.

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