Background documentationIP Address Formats Locate this document in the navigation structure



The IPv4 format consists of four decimal numbers separated by points. Each of the numbers represents one byte, and can therefore have values between 0 and 255.

Example Example

End of the example.

The IPv6 format consists of eight blocks, each with four hexadecimal characters, separated by colons. The hexadecimal format is eight times two bytes. The letters in the hexadecimal format can be written in upper or lower case. Leading zeros and blocks can be shortened with the zero value.

Example Example




End of the example.

Note Note

Operating system functions are used to display IPv6 addresses, which enable the same addresses to be displayed in different operating systems in different ways.

End of the note.
IP Address Masks

For address masks, notation with the forward slash is used for IPv4 and IPv6, for example, and 1080::8:800:200c:417a/64.

The notation with the star and bit masks used up to now for IPv4 address masks continues to be supported though (for example, 10.17.*.* or 10.17.0100xxxx.*).