Background documentationArchitected Data Mart Layer Locate this document in the navigation structure


The Architected Data Mart layer consists of the Business Transformation layer and the Reporting layer.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

In the Business Transformation layer, the data is transformed based on business logic.

The Reporting layer contains the objects that are used to perform queries for analysis. This layer is modeled mainly using InfoCubes. To improve the database performance, you can semantically partition the InfoCubes. VirtualProviders allow you to access source data directly. Different composite objects (HybridProvider, MultiProvider, InfoSets) provide benefits for analysis. Depending on the scenario, you can use these composite InfoProviders.

In the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse, the layers of the Architected Data Mart are mapped using the following objects:

Business Transformation layer:

Reporting layer: