XML Content and ActionsLocate this document in the navigation structure


The XML Content and Actions feature enables administrators to use XML to automate the creation of portal semantic objects, such as iViews, pages and systems, and to perform actions, such as assigning roles, deleting content or setting permissions. The content and actions are specified in an XML file, which is imported into the portal. The portal parses the XML, generates the specified content and performs the specified actions.

The XML import process enables the creation of mass content without the need to use the portal wizards and editors. In addition, advanced users can perform batch operations and make pinpoint modifications within a large content base.

For more information, see How to Automate Content Creation via XML (XML Content and Actions) , located on SAP Developer Network at Start of the navigation path http://sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/howtoguides End of the navigation path. This guide describes how to code an XML file for creating portal objects and performing actions, and includes code samples. The guide also describes how to import an XML file.


In previous versions of the portal, the XML Content and Actions feature was known as the Generic Creator service.

Implementation Considerations
  • By default, the XML Content and Actions feature is assigned to the standard System Administration role, under Start of the navigation path Transport Next navigation step XML Content and Actions End of the navigation path.


    Imported XML files can execute any number of actions in the portal, including overwriting and deleting existing content. Importing an incorrect XML file may cause permanent damage to the portal. It is highly recommended to perform test runs initially on a nonproduction portal or on test content before using it in a live environment.

    We recommend that access to the iView be restricted to administrators trained to use it.

  • The XML file must be valid so that it can be parsed and executed by the portal. Coding the XML is possible in a number of ways, including the use of scripts that can transform a Microsoft Excel or text file into XML. Note that the portal does not include an editor for viewing, editing, or validating the XML before it is imported.

  • The XML Content and Actions feature is not to be confused with the portal Transport mechanism. Use the XML Content and Actions feature to create new content. Use the Transport mechanism to move content from one portal to another. The Transport mechanism also provides additional functionality, such as multi-language support, and the transport of applications and not just Portal Content Directory (PCD) content. More information about the Transport mechanism: Transporting Portal Objects .

  • The XML Content and Actions feature does not support the creation (import) of multivalue attributes.