Configuring KM for Heterogeneous System LandscapesLocate this document in the navigation structure

To be able to run Knowledge Management in heterogeneous system landscapes consisting of WINDOWS and UNIX portals, for example, you must replace the value of a parameter in the configuration of the /etc file system repository.



You have to configure this setting only on one node in the system landscape because the KM configuration data is stored centrally in the database.


Proceed as follows:

  1. In the portal, choose System Administration → System Configuration → Knowledge Management → Content Management → Repository Managers → File System Repository.
  2. Open the etc entry, and then choose Edit.
  3. In the Root Directoryparameter, enter the following value:


  4. Save your changes by choosing OK.
  5. To check the changes, open the configuration of the /etc file system repository again. The new operating system-specific path is displayed below the Root Directory parameter.
  6. Restart the portal.


Changing the parameter has the effect that, in the future, the system reads and uses the operating system-specific value of the system property. This system property specifies the operating system-specific path to the globally released directory.



You can display the value of the $( variable as follows: Launch the portal address http://<%server name%>:<%port number%>/sap/monitoring/SystemInfo and choose the system properties… link in the section for the cluster node in question. In an overview, you can find all system properties for the cluster nodes, including the system property.



During a system copy, the Root Directory parameter is copied with the variable information. On the target system, the value is automatically modified to suit the operating system used.